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Cannot ping XP workstation 3

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Technical User
Nov 14, 2001
I've done everything I can think of, looked through loads of forums and googled for hours but I cannot find a solution to my problem.

A few weeks ago I noticed I could no longer access shared drives on an XP workstation in my 2k domain. I investigated a found I couldn't even get the workstation trough My Network Places although it is listed.

I can't even ping the workstation via it's name OR by IP address. I can however ping othere workstations and servers from the XP workstation.

I have checked all DNS settings.
I have checked domain membership for the workstation
I have checked DHCP
I have checked TCP/IP/WINS/NetBIOS settings
The XP firewall is off
There is a software firewall on the workstation but it has been disabled. It was previously set to allow ICMP packets though.
The workstation is patched completely up to date and has been thoroughly virus scanned.

I'm sure the fact I cannot ping nor access the workstation through My Network Places are related but I don't know what else to try.

I've checked routing tables, used tracert, pathping, nbtstat etc and I can't seen anything out of the ordinary.

Anybody any ideas?


Have you tried replacing the ethernet board?

Can the XP workstation:

. ping anyone else by name?
. ping anyone else by IP?
. ping

You may be helped by the discussion in faq779-4625
I haven't tried replacing the ethernet board yet, I was hoping to eliminate all things software related before tackling hardware.

I'll check out the discussion, thanks for the link.

For info, the XP workstation can ping by name and by IP itself and all other machines on the domain.

you Using Winxp pro or Home .
Create a user profile in win2k domain
use the same user account detail in your workstaion & try.



It is XP Pro, I've tried my account as well as the admin account for the domain.


I'll check out the link and post back


Remove the computer account from the Domain. Wait thirty minutes. Re-add the account.
I've removed the computer several times. I've also removed it then purged all records of it in WINS/DNS and AD. I've left it in a workgroup overnight and then added it back to the domain the following morning and still the same!
Look for 'hidden' firewalls, as this is most certainly a firewall issue. PC-Illan antivirus, for example, would lead to this issue with its hidden firewall component. There are other AV programs that also include a firwall component.

Check that ICF is not enabled, the native XP firewall.
ICF is not enabled. I run McAfee AV 7.1 on all my machines. All same version, all patched to same level. I'll double-check it though.
There is a software firewall on the workstation but it has been disabled. It was previously set to allow ICMP packets though."

Try an uninstall. Zone Alarm, Norton and Sygate (three I know of with the behavior) if disabled an not uninstalled will do this.

There is a software firewall on the workstation but it has been disabled. It was previously set to allow ICMP packets though."

Try an uninstall. Zone Alarm, Norton and Sygate (three I know of with the behavior) if disabled an not uninstalled will do this.

If after all of that it will not return ICMP requests, swap a known working good ethernet adapter in and test.
Hi bcastner

Thanks for your help on this. I was wondering when I was going to have to bite the bullet and resign myself to these last 2 tasks. Fingers crossed it's the firewall (Kerio)that's being the pain!

I'll report back on any progress

OK, it's definately odd this!!!

I've completely removed the firewall and that didn't solve it.

I've also added a wlan card and given it an IP address and I can't ping that from another machine either. So could it be something configured on XP that's causing it?

What is a "wlan" card? A wireless lan adapter?

See faq779-4625

. Use the WinsockFix utility
. See the last paragraph of the FAQ. Use the last link there to rebuild the TCP/IP service stack.
I hadn't up until recently had any problems with the machine. I just started to note odd things which lead me to discover the problems with not being able to access it via My Network Places and not being able to ping it.

Recently though it is taking an age to load the profile when logging into it, so maybe this is related too.

bcastner, yes sorry, I meant wireless lan adapter by wlan card.

I'll have a go at rebuilding the TCP/IP service stack and report back.

If using WEP, redo the key. It is not unheard of WEP key to become corrupted as stored by the adapter driver.
I've ran throught the winsock FAQ and applied the fix. The PC is now connecting to other machines fine again, however I still cannot ping it nor access it from My Network Places on another device.

I have tried to ping the address for the LAN card and the wireless LAN card and neither replies so I'm assuming there has to be something at a lower level that is causing both cards to react in the same way.

There is something blocking ICMP traffic (ping responses) and Netbios traffic. It is either in the router settings or the remnents of firewall software on that PC.

Is your router set to block broadcast messages, or has a firewall component, or a denial of service blocking feature?

If McAfee is still being used, is it set to allow Netbios and ICMP traffic through on your LAN subnet in both directions?

It is a firewall component either in the router or the PC.
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