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cannot open outlook for 30 minutes after logon

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Technical User
Nov 15, 2001
We are using Exchange Server 5.5 and windows 2000 Pro and for some reason, after I log onto my computer, I am unable to access my mail for 30 minutes. When I open outlook, it will prompt me for my username, password and domain, but when I put in all the correct information, I will get an error saying my logon credentials are incorrect. I have logon network security = NT Password Authenication. I am not the administrator but I have approached him with this issue and he doesn't have a clue. I can't think of what it might be. If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it.

Jason if your system has no issues with running WinPro and meets above average requirements it sounds like you need to make sure you have all the correct network protocol settings configured correctly first on YOUR system.
Then I would go back and delete your mail profile in outlook and create a new one. Simple as it is just go to the Windows control panel and click on the mail icon and add the Microsoft exchange server. From there you can type in your exchange mail server name and below that type in your mail box name exactly how you see it in your address book and select check name. If it finds it you know your setup correctly and also you should never get prompt for a user name/password & domain again.

Another big question > Does your WinPro system have a computer account on the Network and logons on to the domain correctly? If so all of the above should get you going.
Amullens is correct. Just to add something here. When you login to your WIN2KPRO workstation are you logging into the "Domain" or are you logging into your "Local Domain" and connecting to email from your local domain to the network domain? Verify this when you get the screen to logon, you will have "Username, Password, Domain". What domain is listed here? If it is your local domain, try logging onto the network domain and then try connecting to your outlook. Definitely follow Amullers instructions on how to verify your profile is connecting properly to exchange.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. All the settings are correct. I set them, the administrator and another person checked them as well. I removed my profile and added it again on numerous occasions, as did the administrator. I am logging into the "network domain" as well. But the weird thing is, that it takes 30 minutes for me to be able to get into Outlook. I will get prompted for a username and password up until this time. After 30 minutes, it will let me in the way it should.
Couple things you could try.

(1) Is this only happening with outlook? Are you having
any problems opening up network shares on your server?
Just wondering if this is isolated to outlook or
if the same problems occur when opening up network
files from shares on the same server

(2) What service pack are you at on the Windows2000PRO
workstation? Try updating to SP3

(3) Take another desktop/laptop and set it up using your
current data port (where your current workstation
resides) and see if you experience the same problems
connecting to outlook.
* If you don't have issues then you should check your current network settings. Maybe remove all protocols and add them back in and reconnect
* If you do have the same issues then it is related possibly to a problem with your data port
** Try replacing the Network Cable. If you still encounter problems:
* try using a different data port (A port you know is working) to isolate if it could be a hardware issue with your existing data port. Maybe the wires needs to be re-punched.
* Try taking your current desktop to another data port you know is working and connect to the network and outlook and see if there is a difference. If you get a good quick connection then this reconfirms that there may be a problem with your data port.

zoeythecat, I have sp3 installed and outlook is the only thing giving me the problem. After rebooting, I am able to access my network drives just fine, and it seems that I'm the only person having the problem. I'm going to try to delete my profile again, just for the heck of it. I just got booted up and outlook is giving me problems again. I will probably be able to access it in about 30 minutes. It's the strangest thing I've seen in a while.
That is strange. You should try accessing your email account from another computer on the network. If you don't have any problems connecting from that computer than there is still some problem on your current workstation that is causing this. If you do have problems connecting from another workstation then something may be going on with your profile on the Exchange Server. You could have IT export all your email to a PST file and then delete/recreate your email account, and import your email data back in.
Jason, Before you do all the destruction...Have you tried to go to another machine and log on there?
I have narrowed it down to my machine. I can access Outlook fine on another machine. I am currently reinstalling Outlook. I will keep you updated. Thank you all.
This is a longshot..but I have seen in some cases that the translation of the Mail server name and ip does not take all the time... Try adding an entry to the lmhosts's file with your mail server name and ip. Also is 30min actual time? or just seems like 30min?
Also check this...


(Default) REG_SZ (value not set)
ncacn_http REG_SZ Rpcrt4.dll
ncacn_ip_tcp REG_SZ Rpcrt4.dll
ncacn_np REG_SZ Rpcrt4.dll
ncacn_nb_tcp REG_SZ Rpcrt4.dll
ncadg_ip_udp REG_SZ Rpcrt4.dll

You MUST have all of the above Values, if not import the key from a PC that has all of the above, or create them manually.
Yes, it is 30 minutes. I have reinstalled Outlook and still have the same problem. I will try your fix rzs0502 and will keep you informed of the output. Thank you again everyone.
rzs0502, the values you have listed are exactly the same as the ones I have.
Just curious if you tried any of these steps?

"3) Take another desktop/laptop and set it up using your
current data port (where your current workstation
resides) and see if you experience the same problems
connecting to outlook.
* If you don't have issues then you should check your current network settings. Maybe remove all protocols and add them back in and reconnect
* If you do have the same issues then it is related possibly to a problem with your data port
** Try replacing the Network Cable. If you still encounter problems:
* try using a different data port (A port you know is working) to isolate if it could be a hardware issue with your existing data port. Maybe the wires needs to be re-punched.
* Try taking your current desktop to another data port you know is working and connect to the network and outlook and see if there is a difference. If you get a good quick connection then this reconfirms that there may be a problem with your data port.
I will try that zoeythe cat, but if the only problem I am having is with outlook, could my data port be a problem.
Don't know for sure. I see what your saying, if you are having no problems connecting other than outlook than maybe the data port is not the problem. Couldn't think of anything else. Do you have any type of errors in event viewer on your workstation that could give you anything you can research?
To add something here. I know you mentioned you reinstalled outlook. I'm assuming this is part of your office2000 professional? What about deinstalling this program (office2000) cleanly by deinstalling, removing the directory, removing from the registry, then reinstalling.
That's what I meant. I deinstalled the entire ms office suite, then reinstalled it. Also, there is nothing in the event viewer that I can go off of. That was the first thing I did.
Have you tried logging in as the Administrator to the local domain (Do you have that password). Setup your email profile here. You will be prompted for username,password,domain when connecting to outlook but then you should be able to connect. See if this works out of curiosity.
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