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Cannot Install Windows 95 ( boot Sector error)

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May 26, 2000
Hello, i can't install my windows95 on my PC I keep receiving &quot; Boot Sector Write!&quot; everytime I run the Setup...I don't have an O/S running in my computer, I already formatted my hard drive..Please help me to get it resolve..I done a lot of steps but still I can't run the setup for windows95...<br><br>Thank you in advance
I suspect that the boot sector write banner is from the virus checking that is built into your bios.&nbsp;&nbsp;Go to the bios setup section (press del to enter setup flag shows before most everything else) and disable virus checking. <br>
Thanks for the comment, what about...reformating it again, I mean reformatting my hard drive again like Format C:\ can it be fixed...Because I'm new to this stuff...I know basic DOS command..but troubleshooting this kind of error makes me nuts..May I know the steps that I need in order to reformat it again..&nbsp;&nbsp;If I am at the C::\ prompt what command should I use ..Type fdisk/mbr or at the A:\ prompt?<br>What else should i try after I run the Fdisk/mbr into my computer.&nbsp;&nbsp;Should I reformat it again..and what partition should I choose.&nbsp;&nbsp;Again, I would like to THANK you folks in advance in helping me to resolve it...I just wanted to learn and explore the computer hardware so I need a little help with it...many thanks.<br>
hey, I got the error fixed...I just disabled the Anti Virus in my Bios, but the problem is, I got another error messages when I click on the Setup...because when I ran the fdisk/mbr on the c:/ I got the same error message about the Bootsector Write! so I restart the computer and access the Bios and dislabed the Anti Virus..so after I disabled I try to run the Fdisk/mbr and walla..the error was gone..<br><br>So after I tried to run the Setup again, but I received this too long message, let me try to summarize it..&quot; Scandisk is unable to check a device because there is no extended memory driver loaded in your computer.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To chec this drive, make syre that you have a HIMEM.SYS file on the disk from which you are starting your computer and then restart using the &quot;command prompt only'..&nbsp;&nbsp;Depending on the location of the HIMEM.SYS file, You may need to add a line such as DEVICE=A:\HIMEM.SYS or DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS in the config.sys file on your boot drive&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;That's the message that I received :) too long huh...I wanted to say Thank you very much for the TIP that you gave to me Edfair..it really help me to resolve the Boot Sector.
I got it resolved by adding Device=A:\Himem.sys on my config.sys but once I run the setup again and after it run the scandisk to initialize the setup I got this error message again,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is not enough free conventional memory to check a device.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You may need to remark(REM) some device drivers from your config.sys or in your config.sys, you may need to load the EMM386.exe driver to load your other device drivers into Upper Memory Block Using DEVICEHIGH=Statement&quot;<br><br>I don't know what I am going to edit on the Config.sys or what statement should I put in the DEVICEHIGH=&nbsp;&nbsp;?<br><br>Please help me again with this...thanks<br><br>
SirNube, What exactly are trying to accomplish?<br><br>Are you trying to format your c: drive and then install win95 on it? If so then why are you trying to run the fdisk/mbr command?<br><br>If I remember correctly(Haven't done this in a while), fdisk/mbr makes that particular drive bootable.<br><br>I suspect that you want to partition the drive properly. what you need to do at a dos prompt is simply issue the fdisk command and create your partitions there. If you need information on how to use fdisk, I would be more than happy to provide it. <br><br>Once your partition is created, you simply format c: and wait for it to finish. Then you should be able to install win95 with no problems. <br><br>if scandisk is still giving you problems, run setup again with the /s option ie: setup /s&nbsp;&nbsp;.I believe that it is the correct switch, you can always see what switches setup has associated with it by using /? switch ie setup /?.<br><br>fenris
To get the memory problem resolved, edit the config.sys file on the floppy to have:<br>device=a:\himem.sys<br>device=a:\emm386.exe noems<br>dos=high,umb<br><br>the last line probably isn't needed but I'm not sure.&nbsp;&nbsp;This should provide enough memory to let scandisk run for the setup.<br><br>I'm assuming that you have a boot disk that has cd drivers since you are getting into scandisk , which is usually called from setup on the cd-rom.<br><br>If you want to change the partitions , you do that with fdisk prior to running setup. And once you run fdisk , you probably would be better running format from the floppy rather than letting setup take care of it.<br><br>from a: prompt<br>fdisk&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;remove partitions&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;add partitions<br>&nbsp;then reboot<br>&nbsp;<br>format c: /u&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(unconditional)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;or format c: /s&nbsp;&nbsp;(put system files on it)<br><br>after the format you&nbsp;&nbsp;can run setup and put 95 on<br><br>glad the bios setting was the problem. I'll make another mark on the wall.<br>ed<br><br><br>
Thank you again...I just added the command on the config.sys the :<br><br>device=a:\himem.sys<br>device=a:\emm386.exe noems<br>dos=high,umb<br><br>&nbsp;and after I run the setup again, I received this error message..&quot;Cannot start windows in standard mode. Try Starting windows in 386 enhanced mode by typing win/3&quot;<br><br>Fenris, Yes, I already formatted my hard drive and trying to install my windows95, but got those kind of error messages, and I running the FDISK/MBR to remove the bootsector virus, but I thing it is not a virus because after I disabled the anti virus in the CMOS, it works..but I got those errors message... I just wondering if I will going to format my hard drive again, will it be fixed? and after I re-format it again, should I use the FDISK again to partition it.<br><br>Thanks you for the wonderful help and god Bless.
Make life easier on yourself. Go to <b>Maxtor</b> website, download <b><i>Maxblast</i></b> from the site, create a boot floppy, and let it do the rest. It will help ya with the partition, and it will install EZ-Bios if your Bios doesn't support the hard drive in question.<br><br>My 2 cents
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