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Cannot install new fonts with Windows '98

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Jul 6, 2000
Can anyone help me, I want to install a new font in Windows '98 but the problem is the "Install New Font" in the Font Menu of Control Panel is gone. How this thing happened? Now I have to contend with the Fonts that is installed in Windows '98.
One method to install new fonts would be:<br><br>Go to&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;C:\WINDOWS\FONTS&quot;<br>Click on &quot;File&quot; and then &quot;Install New Font ...&quot;<br><br>Rattus
This I have seen when you have a xerox docucenter. It does some thing to the font folder. Only way I was able to fix it was to reinstall windows. However, you can add a new font by copying the font files into that folder, then restarting, that should make them available
I had a similar problem with my fonts folder. I could open it but when I clicked on &quot;File&quot; the install new font option was not available. The way I fixed this problem was really quite simple. I downloaded a copy of TWEAKUI for Win 98 (available from many sites on the net.) Under the 'Repair' tab there is a drop down list, one of the options on this list is 'Repair Font Folder' select this and then click on the repair now button, restart windows and all should now be O.K. Well it worked for me! Hope this helps you, anything is better than a re-install!!
I second alpha61's recommendation for TweakUI... I think it comes on the install CD too, if you have Win98 SE. There's no reason to have to reinstall an OS just to install a font :eek:) <p>Liam Morley<br><a href=mailto:lmorley@wpi.edu>lmorley@wpi.edu</a><br><a href=] :: imotic :: website :: [</a><br>"light the deep, and bring silence to the world.<br>
light the world, and bring depth to the silence.
easier way -- does the fonts folder have the S attribute? If not, drop out to DOS and issue this command
attrib c:\windows\fonts +s JL Filler,Wilton Public Schools, Wilton CT
Hello all.

Even though I do not dislike TWEAKUI,---I do not use it at all,--- I think using it only blurr the cause of the problem.

The following is the official resolution. The content of the procedure indicates what element of the system went wrong. It is self-explanatory, so I won't elaborate.

[1] Restart the system to Command Prompt. Issue the commands concretized in the .bat below :
::-----below this line---
cd c:\windows
attrib +h +r fonts
::-----above this line---
Restart normal. If the problem is not resolved, proceed to [2]. If yes, stop here.

[2] Click out dos box or restart to command prompt. Issue the commands...
::----below this line---
cd c:\windows\system
ren fontext.dll fontext.old
cd c:\windows\command
extract /A X:\win98\win98_22.cab /L C:\windows\fonts fontext.dll
::----above this line----
Note: Edit the colored part with X pointing to your CDRom and also have installation CD ready.
Restart normal. If still not resolved, proceed to [3]. If yes, stop here.

[3] Restart to Command Prompt.
::----below this line----
cd c:\windows\fonts
attrib -h -s desktop.ini
ren desktop.ini desktop.old
cd c:\windows\command
extract /A X:\win98\win98_22.cab /L C:\windows\fonts desktop.ini
cd c:\windows\fonts
attrib +h +s desktop.ini
::----above this line----
Same remark on colored part.

regards - tsuji
Just a quick correction to a typo.

In [1], the line
attrib +h +r fonts
should be read :
attrib +s +r fonts

though the effect would be the same.

- tsuji
Hello, me again.

I did not realize this is an old thread. So, it is not a problem of nobody anymore. Therefore, if readers think the posting help, do make use of it. If I realize it earlier, I would not have posted the above at all.

Thanks for your attention.

- tsuji
tsuji - I'm glad you posted that info, I've just experienced the 'unable to install font' problem, and a search turned up this ancient thread.
A belated star for you! Thanks.
My suggestions are what I would try myself. If incorrect, I welcome corrections to my rather limited knowledge. Andy.
It's even easier, just explore to windows/fonts, open another window with your new fonts listed, then drag and drop them over, to automatically install.
The Computer Unprofessional.[hammer]
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