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Cannot drag and drop desktop icons 7

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Technical User
Oct 28, 2003
I can't drag desktop icons: double click works fine, i can move windows but, also, cannot drag and drop files/dirs in explorer too.
Another problem, that started simultaneously with the first one, is that Internet Explorer is not able to open correctly a new window when the html page contains a link that opens a new window: it opens a new window without link, so a blank window.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
Ok just wanted to reply fast and say my buddy had the same exact problem with his icons on 2k. As it turned out… as we read through this thread and got to the mouse part, we were in the process of install new mouse drivers for his USB Logitech IR mouse. (with a mouse wheel) So were not sure if it was a stuck wheel mouse or a messed up driver. Long story short: Same problem – try futzing with the mouse wheel and perhaps an updated mouse driver.
Any other solutions besides mouse? -- I have win 2K and have same problems as nightowl007 (IS/IT--Manageme) -- with icons not moving on desktop, excel acting as locked mouse...

and in addition: problems with illustrator becoming sporatically unusable... and incomplete loads of pages in IE6 -- graphics missing -- especially https pages.

A reboot fixes most problems, but not the spotty image loading. IE issue?

There is a FAQ for this problem in WinXP: FAQ number faq779-5242

I haven't tested it with NT... maybe some other users with XP will find their way to the faq.

Hope it helps!
AS win2000 user, i tried 'FAQ for this problem in WinXP: FAQ number FAQ779-5242'... it didn't hurt my system , but it didn't fix it either.

Hear's another piece of the puzzle: Everything works fine until I log off and my wife logs in... When she logs out and I log back in (without re-boot) icons don't drag/drop -- files don't drag-drop in explorer, and all the other symptoms appear.

Is if possible that there is a spyware application running with her loggin and not mine?

ALSO -- If I take away admin rights from her loggin, then IE and Outlook do not run properly (pages and images don't load).
I know that this is an old thread, but I recently developed the cant move icons problem after installing the latest windows update. I am using XP, but this fix should work on NT and others as well.

There are 3 reg keys relevant to this problems. Do a regedit and make sure that you have all 3, somehow the update deleted one of them on my computer.


SHOULD BE: unnamed Value of type REG_SZ which is set to 12.


SHOULD BE: unnamed Value of type REG_SZ which is set to {0000030C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}


SHOULD BE: unnamed Value of type REG_SZ which is set to {00000320-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

Reboot and you should be good to go.
I just loaded XP SP2 and had this exact problem and the post above mine is my fix....... I was indeed missing the middle reg key.... entered it and voila.... mouse works again.... THANKS [2thumbsup]
After un-installing about 15 programs, I found my icons and files all to be 'stuck' as well.

Your post saved me, all three reg_keys were gone. I would have never known to replace them.

Star for you!

[fish] No Dolphins were harmed in the posting of this message... Dolphin Friendly Tuna!

Ever feel like you're banging your head against a tree? I did, so I cut down the tree.
I'm also having this problem however mine started after I reformated my computer. My computer was getting hung up out of no where, just to be safe I started to back up my files & kept locking up. After so many reboots it finally said a file was missing or corrupted Windows\System32\config\system

I reformated my computer and in the process of re-installing programs I started to lock up a bit where I have to open the task manager to work in a program. I downloaded all window updates & updated my antivirus. Yesterday when I come home my keyboard and mouse were going insane. I could hardly type & my mouse was going on auto scroll and the cursor was flashing non stop making it impossible to use the keyboard. I ran my anti virus and it picked up nothing. I also can not drag & drop into the recycle bin on the desktop. I also tried to register my Microsoft Word & it says my key is invalid when I am typing it correctly.
April 11, 2005
I'm using Xp pro and something it's oocurs that:

I cant drag/drop any icon or files
My task Bar is missing
Reloaded XP still same problem
I cant save any data because i cant burn a CD

I appreciate any idea how to fix this.
ERI2K5 - try the XP forum! (forum779) - I presume you tried the starred solution above.
I had the same problem over moving desktop icons, and it turned out to be down to the desktop folder it was in (admittedly I'm talking XP here). Icons in my own folder moved fine, icons in the all users folder not. So I moved (not copy) all the short-cuts in C:Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop to C:Documents and Settings\Dave\Desktop and all was fine. Careful if you do share your desktop with another user of course.
In Regards to mryanf's response on the cant move icons problem:

I am missing the part below and need to add it but I dont know how to do so, can you (or someone else who is reading this)please go through it step by step? I dont want to mess anything up


SHOULD BE: unnamed Value of type REG_SZ which is set to {0000030C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

Thanks ahead of time!


Hey All, I recently had this problem on my desktop. after trying all the fixes, patches, etc., I finally solved the problem simply by getting a new mouse. not sure why it worked but I have no problems at all since replacing the mouse. hope that helps.

actually, I HAVE THE ANSWER!!
i was suffering this too, i defragmented my PC from control panel to make programs ru faster (works) and to free up more space, since then i could interact like 97.2% with drag and drop (and my internet was gay, i was connetced, and i new it cause i was downloading movies for free, but my Maxthon Web Brower (its faster than IE6) wouldnt connect!) oh and right clicking - i would do this the menu would flash on and go agen - so i had to just open start menu with keyboard (button right side of left ctrl) and then right clicking would be normal, but so would double clicking, draging wasnt working..

i just instantly got rid of it just now and saw that yuo guys needed my attention, so cause i like helping and i aint tight or sad go download CCleaner, a simple google surch would do it..

then open it - uncheck Internet Explorer (from the left of CCleaner in the grey shaded bit at the top, hey i like being spacific! it helps)

and just leave Windows Explorer Checked (and all the tihngs listed in the WIndows Explorer Menu, Not ADVANCED!!)

Then Click Anylise... it should pick up stuff, then clik run cleaner (next to anylise wich is at the bottom in the middle of CCleaer!)

then check if you get to drag icons!

if they dont - uncheck Windows Explorer and check INternet Explorer , do the same tinhg allover agen, u now wit the anylise and all that!

then check agen - if they still dont muve - uncheck internet explorer and check the ADVANCED box, you will get pop ups - they aint important just click yes to them all, then anylise - and run cleaner!

YOUR ICONS SHOULD DRAG, and by the way - if ya try and open ya task manager bu8t it says sometinhg about the administrator disabling it or something baisically and error, go google up xp_taskmgrenab.exe or just xp_taskmgrenab! works for all Windows! and im not sure about Mac, SHould work cause Macs are same layers as Windows.

Hope i helped - if not post up and heres a site if you need further assistance...i used it for many tihngs, i now the people who run the buisness, its a PC fixing site!

PLZ IF YOU HAVE A PROB GO THERE, and if ya dont trust me you cant trust them, cause you need to add them through MSN and give them your symptoms and they start a remote assistance (they can use their keyboard and mouse on yor comp by seeing your scree in a small window on theirs :D)
but you need to turn off your firewall or open port 6689!

their site is gonna get a help desk (in forum) to be most best comp handling team ever... i would already put up my votes on them!

help advertise their site its:
if i helped, those guys now alot more like 20x more than me!


Firstly, thanks for all your ideas.

Secondly, I hope I got your attention. For all those, like myself, who have been having problems trying to drag and drop on the desktop and for those whose desktop has been freezing up, I have found out a cause.

This post has received many replies, I have tried the solutions mentioned here. I tried the registry solution, too, but for me, that had no effect.

I have SJNightOwl to thank for the solution. For me, it was a mouse problem. The scroll wheel had started to get stuck down for a while, and besides being annoying, I did not think it was really a problem. Now I realise that when it gets stuck down, it causes the two problems that have been discussed in this thread:

1. Desktop items can be dragged, but not dropped.

2. The taskbar becomes frozen.

For a simple demonstration, I suggest you hold down the scroll wheel with one finger, and then try and either drag and drop a desktop item or click on the taskbar. You will see that these two tasks cannot be done. Now release the scroll wheel, and all is well.

I am therefore going to attempt to clean the scroll wheel, or simply purchase a new mouse.


I hope this helps.
I've been having the can't drag n drop and taskbar freezing problem also. I've just tried mryanf's solution and seems to work so far but time will tell.

I thought the mouse might be a problem as I occasionally get the little circle with the arrows appear like when you click the mouse wheel and move the mouse to scroll.

But I also got the problem when the mouse wasn't plugged in! (I am using an HP/Compaq nc6000 laptop).

I have discovered that if I rest my left wrist on the wrist rest below the keyboard, it engages the mouse wheel...[mad]

This causes all sorts of problems like characters I type not appearing. So basically I can't type on my laptop unless I hold my hands up (and I'm no touch typist). Luckily I use a docking station and keyboard at work. Obviously this model laptop is from the school of crap design [thumbsdown]

Anyway, I'm hoping the registry fix will work (of course it won't fix my rubbish laptop case), otherwise it's new mouse time.
I have rebuilt several servers in the past 6 months when occasionally running into all these problems but I think I finally found the solution that will fix most everyone's problems on this forum. Our environment consists of Windows 2000 and 2003 servers and have had similar problems on both platforms. HERE IS THE SOLUTION....

It is a permission problem in DCOM that has been changed incorrectly by someone or an application.

Let me know if this helps out.


It was the wheel!!! It was the #%@%#& mouse wheel!!!

OK guys, After having all these problems for a while, I don't understand why the hell didn't I try to replace the mouse at the first day when the wheel button got stucked!

It appears that a stucked mouse button can be such a pain. Fix your mouse wheel button / get a new one!

Thank you all in this post! you just saved me from formating my drive.

Thank You! so much. I have been trying to resolve the task manager/freeze up problem for over a week now and today I could not drag and drop on my desktop, I was just about to format (dread) when I came here to check for the drag & drop issue and could not believe my eyes I had actually found others with the very same problem with task manager and freeze ups and YES it is my MOUSE that is the cuprit and thanks NEM25 for the demonstration which proved it is the mouse wheel.

THANK YOU! you saved me from the dreaded format.
Well Done mryanf,

It worked...one of the reg keys was indeed missing!

I experienced issues when i tried to drag drop icond or even move an opened window...I have a very expensice mosue...took it back to the shop, they tested it, found nothing wrong with it...made me look stooopid and then came home and found this site....What a relief - I won't have to reformat!

PLEASE NOTE: I use the 3D-White Mouse Pointer normally...this was defaulted to the normal pointer when I noticed this strange mouse behaviour.
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