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Cannot complete Windows XP Pro installation? 1

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Technical User
Dec 13, 2002
I have a machine that originally had Windows 98SE installed. I tried to do a CLEAN install of XP Pro using the XP Pro CD. I booted from the CD, it prompted me through the "create Partition etc. I formated using NTFS. The process continued to install files and then told me it will reboot and setup will continue. After reboot, I just get a blinking cursor on a blank screen. I have to shut the machine off and can only reboot using CD-ROM. If I reboot using the CD-ROM, the whole process starts from the beginning. For some reason I cannot finish the installation.

I then re-installed Windows 98SE (FAT 32) and tried to install XP from there. I went through the process of doing a full install (not upgrade), it formatted the HD using NTFS and copied all files. Again, it said my computer will be restarted and the process would continue. After reboot, I get a message "NTLDR is Missing, Press any key to restart". I found an item in the Microsoft knowledge Base - Article 255220 that had me bootup using the Windows 98 startup disk and copy sys c: from the Win98 startup floppy. It hten told me to reboot and try the installation again. After I reboot, I only get to the C:\ prompt. Windows 98 does not boot up. The only way to get Win98 to bootup is to change MSDOS.SYS back to the way it was. After this Win98 boots up normally.

I cannot install Win XP Pro. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Did you go through the compatibility checks without problems? Have a look for a bios update on the motherboard manufacturer's web site. Also, make sure that you have any usb devices and other add-on goodies unplugged when you do the installation.

Thanks for the post. My bios is updated to the latest version (about 2 years old). The compatability check only revealed that I might have problems with my sound card and ethernet card. I had only the mouse, keyboard and monitor connected when I attemped the XP installation.

I have a SOYO 6BA+III motherboard with a PIII-500 processor.

I still can't understand why I cannot loadup Win98 after doing the fix as described in my original post. I just get a C:\ prompt. If I can get this to work, I can atleast try to install XP again as instructed in the Knowledge Base.

Any ideas? Please help!


The sound card or ethernet card could be causing this problem. Personally, I would remove both then try the clean install, booting from the xp cd. If you can get though the xp installation, only add 1 card then see what happens.
unplug all cards except the video card
run the cd-rom off its own cable as master in the secondary IDE slot
run only one hard drive on its own cable as master in the primary IDE slot
go to the BIOS and make sure the drives recognize correctly
make sure cd is first boot device and hd0 is the next boot device.
disable other boot device
*** disable Virus check (in BIOS)****(this could be the problem by not allowing the MBR and the XP BOOT SECTOR being written to the harddrive and could stop the boot)
reload and format and install XP

If it locks up again... your Harddrive is not excepting MBR that WIndows XP is trying to install.
you could have a corrupted harddrive.

you are going through too many step by trying to install win 98 then win XP. you stated you formated to NTFS as a full install from win 98.
you just need to install win xp.
try with the win XP CD to format in FAT32.

the process of installing win XP the CD will install all the files to the harddrive and then install the XP bootsector at the end of the install before reboot
that is where you are hanging.

good Luck!!!!

I'll give it a try but it seems highly unlikely. It ssems the problem stems with NTLDR. When it tries to reboot, I get a message NTLDR is missing Press any key to restart. The upgrade reports says to get Windows 2000 drivers for the sound card and ethernet card which seems to indicate that I would have problems installing these in XP.

firewolfrl's advice about disabling virus protection in the bios could also be doing this.

The virus scan was enabled in BIOS. I disabled it and tried to install from Win98 (since it is currently installed) and still no luck.

I'll try what firewolfrl says.
NTDLR is related to the XP Bootsector and MBR and is needed to boot a XP OS in NTFS (it is a critical file and needs the Master File Table (MFT), MBR, and the XP Bootsector to be correct)
this is NOT related to the upgrade report.
the error could stem from not having a active partition on the drive to my previous explaination.
when you boot with the CD and you get to the the drives portion of the install. Do you see the main drive as:
try zeroing out the harddrive with the harddrive manufacturer's drive Utility.

I install win XP at least three times a week to different computers and the problem you are having is a common problem with these issues:

1. virus detection is not turned off in the BIOS
2. Corrupt Harddrive
3. bad ram
4. incorrect BIOS settings
5. Virus in the boot sector
6. more that one harddrive installed (wrong active parttion)
7. Old CD-Rom
8. Video card
9. Bad XP CD

Etc...etc... etc... I could go on for pages.

your problem sounds like 100% hardware related

Thanks for the explanation. I tried exactly what you said earlier. Took everything out except the video card. I then tried to install again (directly from XP CD) with the same result. I tried with both NTFS and FAT32.

I'll try to zero out the HD with MAXTOR's software. It appears the MBR on HD is the problem. Is there any other way to fix the HD?

Look for the program in the support section of the maxtor web site and download 'Powermax'
it has a Harddrive Diagnostics utility to test the drive.
it will tell you if the drive is bad (if it is RMA it to Maxtor)
if you zero out the drive with Powermax.... this will or might take 4-6 hours????????

Just for kicks, I tried the XP install with another (older) HD and it installed perfectly! I guess my HD is defective. I ran all the tests on Powermax and everything passed! What do you mean by "zero out the drive"? I also ran the last option which was a low-level format.


Tried WinXP installation after low-level format of the HD. SUCCESS, installed perfectly.

Thanks to all for the great help. This is a great forum

I am glad it worked
zeroing the drive and low level format are the same thing with the powermax program
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