i have many rows hidden in excel...the document is not protected and not locked...i cannot unhide them..is there any thing else i can do becase there has been many many hours put into the work to get to this point.
The best way I know to unhide all rows is to click in the open block by the A coulmn header and row header 1. (or Crtl+A to select all). Goto Format/Row> Unhide Mike
Have you tried clicking on the column letters on either side of the hidden columns - i.e. first one side hold down the SHIFT key, and then the other side. Then right-click, and choose Unhide.
If your HIDDEN columns happen to be at the beginning (column A) or at the end (column IV), then: Hit the GoTo key <F5>, followed by the columns - BUT INCLUDE a column which is NOT hidden ...e.g. to unhide columns A to M, GoTo "A:N". This will highlight those columns, including column "N" (not hidden). Then right-click on column "N", and choose Unhide.
Well they are hidden rows not hidden columns so the advice on unhiding columns won't work. Presumably you've tried highlighting a row above to a row below and going to unhide.
Is it the case that the row height has been set to zero as suggested earlier?
You can find your data. Simply set up some more cells with the formula =(X)(x) where X is the column and x is the row number that is hidden.
If you open a new workbook, can you hide and unhide in there? If not, sounds like an Excel fault.
If you copy the entire worksheet to a new worksheet, formulas only, does it unhide the rows? Yes, that will work, I just tried it. Good Luck!!
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