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Can this be done? 1

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Sep 4, 2001
Let me start by saying - I'M NOT a VFP programmer. I've never even attempted it.

With that said, we have an old VFP3 app running and I would like to upgrade it. The app functions well, but it will not run on some of our new PC's (it appears that the cpu's are too fast). Can this app be recompiled in its native environment or should it be upgraded to some newer version of VFP?

To overcome the fast cpu problem, we have deployed the app on a really old box running Citrix WINFRAME 1.8. It works but God its old. Ultimately, I would love to make this thing web anabled, but I think I may be reaching with that one.

Any ideas are always welcome.


Unfortunately VFP3.0 was Microsoft's first attemp at OOP, so the version was a little buggy, but upgrading an application as a non-programmer might be a feat.
Although most of the code should , if it works fine in VFP3.0, why upgrade it? If every works properly without any changes and you were to recompile it in VFP8.0, I'm not sure you would gain anything. Some of the code could probably be optimized to take advantage on the newer features of VFP8.0, but you would need a programmer for that.

Mike Gagnon

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ184-2483 first.
There is a similar problem with the FoxPro 2.6 and Microsoft release a patch for it. Try check out the Microsoft web site and see if you can find a patch for the 'speed' problem.

You tip helped. We have and old VFP 3.0 program that I wrote a LOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG time ago. One of the users just got a new machine with XP and 512 Meg of RAM. They called me with the Insufficient Memory problem. The best I could do was to scratch my head. At least I know that it is a bug and to thell the user (one of the bosses in that area) to use one of the old 98 machines to run that program.

Thanks Again!


[spidey] [americanflag] [unclesam]
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