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Can this be done with CSS? 1

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Nov 26, 2002
Hello Everyone!

I wanted my website to automatically generate a flyer for someone after they filled out whatever information they needed to enter. Now to create the flyer 81/2x 11 I can do but is there a way to create the vertical Tear-Off strips in the bottom of the flyer containing the persons name and number? Does anyone know if it is possible or how I can accomplish this?

<span style=&quot;writing-mode:tb-rl;width:50px;border:1px solid #000000;&quot;>
John Smith <br>
<span style=&quot;writing-mode:tb-rl;width:50px;border:1px solid #000000;&quot;>
John Smith <br>
<span style=&quot;writing-mode:tb-rl;width:50px;border:1px solid #000000;&quot;>
John Smith <br>

just stick a bunch of these in a cell at the bottom of your width:8.5in; height:11in; cell... there are better ways than just iterating spans, but this should be a start

hope this gets you started mike griffith

systems and control engineering
case western reserve university

Thanks for the response

Hi Mike

Thank you very much for the response! Will this allow me to create those vertical tear off strips on a flyer created in HTML?

What I would like to accomplish is:

When the seller fills out the sellers form for what ever product they were placing the ad for, the website would generate flyer plugging in the information that the user entered in the sellers form. The site would generate the flyer using the template we created and come up in a printer friendly window where the user can print it out.
The information placed on the flyer will be dynamic being that there will be more then one seller placing the ad. Again I appreciate your help. =]


Will the above code help me to accomplish what I am trying to do? Are there other ways?

As there seems to be deadly silence for your questions, I'll have a go.

I think you're looking for form processing, am I right? You could have a look at Soupermail - free from soupermail.sourceforge.net or you could wait for the latest version of ennyForms - or try out Form Manager from or you could pick up a script from any number of the dozens of free script sites.

First step is to check if your hosting company will let you run PHP or cgi or asp or whatever. Then find some script which will put the fields into a response url BUT .... most importantly, make sure that there is NOT a hidden recipient field in the form. The recipient either has to be left out, or in the actual script, or called from a text file. If it is in the page code then you are just inviting all the spam harvesters in the world to pick up your address.

Hope that helps.
Hi Jill

I used the example code that mgriifith provided and it worked as far as creating those verticle strips.. But for some reason they would not come out when i printed.
I want the website to generate a flyer for each individual that places an ad on the site. so i guess the info would be dynamic on the verticle strips. What should i look for to to this?
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