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Can someone test out my page?

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Jul 30, 2001
I've just made a web page, and someone told me that it didn't work with their browser. I'd really appreciate it if some ppl here, with different browsers (Netscape, Opera, anything other than IE) were to test it out and tell me what happens. The address is:

Thanks a lot!
i have it on but its black background and white letters and some red lines and one section saying not available


Try validating the email address at least...

Thanks everyone. Pgtek and Tony, what browsers were you using? Because it sounds like you were seeing it like it's supposed to be. And thanks, dwarfthrower, I'll add Mozilla to my list of non-compatible browsers.
Oh, and I just put in the email validation script ;)
I'll add Mozilla to my list of non-compatible browsers

Actually, if you wanted to help the folks at Mozilla out a little, you could send an email to mozilla-browser@mozilla.org and let them know that their browser is 'non-compatible'.
Will do. But before I do, could you try just typing the address in a going to the site like that? Because I've had problems posting links before (the exact same problem, actually). Basically what I'm saying is that there might be a problem with the link, not the site.
Typed in, copied & pasted or clicked. I still get the same page of javascript code displayed under Mozilla. It displays fine in IE.
The: ...I'll add Mozilla to my list of non-compatible browsers.

This is a very silly thing to write.

Run this site through the w3c validator.

The validator completely gags -- it can't even determine what kind of document it is.

I highly recommend you make this a bookmark, if not outright memorize the URL. Submit pages to it whenever you write 'em. Make sure it passes and looks the way you want. Then, you don't really have to worry about what browser people use, plus you learn a lot more about actually writing good code.

I also recommend you actually download any browser other than IE. You can download Mozilla free!

When you build your pages on your local machine, test 'em under different browsers right then and there. Ideally, by the time the pages get to the validator, you won't have much in the way of surprises. It is soooooo much smarter to say "Runs under pretty much any browser" than have an evergrowing list of "incompatible" browsers (due to that whole "standards" thing).


[monkey] Edward [monkey]

"Cut a hole in the door. Hang a flap. Criminy, why didn't I think of this earlier?!" -- inventor of the cat door
IE 6.1

"Logo" at top mid-left
Navigation on left, center aligned
Big-ass red outline of a table, which content loads into
Name of page loads under barb

Black scroll bars, with red lines, blue 3d color and blue background
Black body with white text
Title text is different to main text, font size, face, spacing

This layout isnt made for any particular resolution, and just seems kinda wrong somehow. I run 1024x768 and also tested it in 800x600 but its too spacious.
I'd have a nav of 20% with the content 80% and the "logo" in the same place if i were to design it your way but my style would have been different still.

You only have 5 links so you dont really need a big space for nav:

| |
| Banner |
|___|___|___|___|___| <-- nav links
| |
| Content |
| |

Now that'll probably look like a mess cause I dont think they use <pre> tags here but w/e:

<table width=&quot;100%&quot;>
<tr><td><a href=&quot;body.txt&quot; target=&quot;main&quot;><img src=&quot;banner.png&quot; width=&quot;709&quot; height=&quot;109&quot; alt=&quot;Home&quot;></a></td></tr>
<td width=&quot;20%&quot;><a href=&quot;body.txt&quot; target=&quot;main&quot;>Main</a>
<td width=&quot;20%&quot;><a href=&quot;about.txt&quot; target=&quot;main&quot;>About</a>
<td width=&quot;20%&quot;><a href=&quot;howto.txt&quot; target=&quot;main&quot;>How To</a>
<td width=&quot;20%&quot;><a href=&quot;downloads.txt&quot; target=&quot;main&quot;>Downloads</a>
<td width=&quot;20%&quot;><a href=&quot;contact.txt&quot; target=&quot;main&quot;>Contact</a>
<tr><td><iframe name=&quot;main&quot; src=&quot;body.txt&quot;></iframe></td></tr>

The above code will resize to fit the browser until 800x600 where the banner image (if used and those dimensions) will force the browser to use scroll bars.
Changing the table size to 709 (?) will make it suitable for 800x600 and it will be displayed at that size, no matter the browser size.

You may also be interested in using DHTML to keep the navigation highlighted when clicked. That way, you make the user aware of the page they are viewing (if not already obvious from the content), as you wanted with the name under the page ;)

Hope that helps

&quot;To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long...&quot;
Well, that's basically how it's supposed to look, since I was playing with CSS positioning and trying to do something original. As for the resolution, I made it using an 1152 x 864 res.
Although I appreciate your input/advice about the page layout, I don't think I'm gonna go and redesign the whole thing. The ASCII diagram of your layout idea just seemed too traditional, and I felt like trying out some different stuff.
Oh, and thanks for the link Edward. I'll try it out.
Hmmm...That validation thing is hard to use when you don't know what doctype your page is...lol
I got bored so I made a sample layout for you:

of course its not *all there* I couldnt be bothered to do the how to extra pages but the main pages are there.

&quot;To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long...&quot;
(at the time i hadnt seen your post

&quot;To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long...&quot;
Very nice ;)

I assume that was done with tables, right? For some reason, every so often my browser refuses to show me the source code of web pages, so I can't check it myself.
yep you want the code here?

&quot;To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long...&quot;
Heres the code. Just right-click, save as for the image, you already have the txt files ;)


Layout by Gwar3k1 - 2003 :: e-mail: me_as_I_am@hotmail.com subject: Racer's rest layout
This layout resizes to the browser's size as it uses percentages. I find it better to make the height of the table 100% when
using iFrames. That way, the iFrame can be &quot;dynamic&quot; in size. Any way, I was bored and made this really quickly. Enjoy!

<style type=&quot;text/css&quot;>
body { background-color: #000000; color: #ffffff; }
table { width: &quot;100%&quot;; height: &quot;100%&quot;; background-color: #800000; font-face: Arial; font-size: 10pt; color: #ffffff; text-align: Center; }
td { background-color: #000000; }
.large { width: &quot;100%&quot;; }
.small { width: &quot;20%&quot;; height: 20; }
a { text-decoration: none; color: #ffffff; }
a:hover { color: #800000; }
<title>Racers Return</title>


<table border=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;1&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot;>
<td class=&quot;large&quot; height=&quot;109&quot; colspan=&quot;5&quot;>
<p align=&quot;center&quot;><a target=&quot;main&quot; href=&quot;body.txt&quot;><img border=&quot;0&quot; src=&quot;images/banner.png&quot; width=&quot;300&quot; height=&quot;109&quot;></a></td>
<td class=&quot;small&quot;><a href=&quot;body.txt&quot; target=&quot;main&quot;>Main</a></td>
<td class=&quot;small&quot;><a href=&quot;about.txt&quot; target=&quot;main&quot;>About</a></td>
<td class=&quot;small&quot;><a href=&quot;howto.txt&quot; target=&quot;main&quot;>How to</a></td>
<td class=&quot;small&quot;><a href=&quot;downloads.txt&quot; target=&quot;main&quot;>Downloads</a></td>
<td class=&quot;small&quot;><a href=&quot;contact.txt&quot; target=&quot;main&quot;>Contact us</a></td>
<td class=&quot;large&quot; height=&quot;100%&quot; colspan=&quot;5&quot;><iframe width=&quot;100%&quot; height=&quot;100%&quot; name=&quot;main&quot; src=&quot;body.txt&quot; frameborder=0></iframe></td>



&quot;To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long...&quot;
simple AND effective I would say ;)
I would suggest making a style sheet though, that way you can put the stylesheet on every page then edit that when you want a new color scheme or w/e and only edit 1 page ;)

For example, you'll need to put the style for hyperlinks on every page (i guess) so y take up that space? no matter how little, space is always important ;)
The next example would be when you get some downloads up. I'd put them in a table with details about them next to a link to download / links to mirrors. I'd use the same table as the main table. (red + black) and you can simply add the style for larger cells on the downloads page or even make those dimensions part of the stylesheet

&quot;To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long...&quot;
Well, although it is a nice page, I couldn't take credit for something that I didn't make. However, you did just teach me something. Before now, I never realized that tables could behave like frames (targetting different cells, etc.). So thanks!
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