Last month towards the end of May my Host was hacked. The person who did this exchanged out our index pages for a .bat file with their nice artwork included. Also this person included some nice gifts called Trojans, (two or more) and a worm for which they some would call a filed day on the server. My Host was running RedHat. There was some talk that a certain Website on the server was running a php forum that enabled the cracker to have a field day of us all. I don't have any more specs on the server my host was running. But we did have quite a few perks to use. PHP CGI etc. He has not gotten the server running yet. Most of us that have paid dearly for our Website haven’t seen this host sense he shut down around the 23rd of May. Our Host said he was going to manually remove the Trojans, and worm. This was to protect our Website I believe. Quite a few had 100mb or more stored on this host. Being paid up for a while, and having some domain names in limbo for right now has caused quite a stir for the ones whom had Website with this host. I know he also had medical problems, but just how long could it take a individual to clean up a server? Between his health and the mess on the server should it take this long? How can the members protect their Website? Quite a few including myself are moving on, but some did not have the tools to save their Website, and paying for two domains was out, and free host was out because of the size of some of the domains. Could he possibly still be fixing the server? While your at these questions any one got any bright ideas on how to calm the nerves of quite a few that are really at each other's throats right now? I need all the help I can get folks sorry for this it was unexpected.