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Can someone help me with this error

Not open for further replies.


Dec 15, 2003
Provider error '80040e21'

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.

/forum/admin/configuration.asp, line 97

I'm trying to update values in my db, but it doesn't work...and i really have no idea what exactly is the problem

Thanx anyone!
please can you post the relevant code in configuration.asp. Also - highlight line 97 for us please.

possiby you have a reserved word as a field name. something like date,user,status plus a few others on line 97.


Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
A website that proves the cobblers kids adage.
Nightclub counting systems

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
This is the code...(i put "line 97" at line 97)
<% @ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<!--#include file="algemeen.asp" -->
'Set the response buffer to true
Response.Buffer = True

'Dimension variables
Dim strWebSiteName 'Holds the web site name
Dim strForumPath 'Holds the forum path
Dim strMode 'holds the mode of the page, set to true if changes are to be made to the database
Dim strBgColour 'Holds the background colour of the forum
Dim strTextColour 'Holds the text colours of the forum
Dim strTextType 'Holds the font type of the forum
Dim intTextSize 'Holds the font size of the forum
Dim strTableColour 'Holds the table colour of the forum
Dim strTableBorderColour 'Holds the border colour of the forum
Dim strTableTitleColour 'Holds the table title and status ba rof the forum
Dim strLinkColour 'Holds the Hperlink colour
Dim strVLinkColour 'Holds the visited link colour
Dim strALinkColour 'Holds the active link colour
Dim blnTextLinks 'Set to true if you want text links instead of the powered by logo
Dim blnLCode 'Holds the LCode value
Dim blnRTEEditor 'Set to true if the HTML editor for IE 5+ is turned on
Dim intTopicPerPage 'Holds the number of topics to show on each page
Dim strTitleImage 'Holds the path and name for the title image for the forum
Dim blnEmoticons 'Set to true if emoticons are turned on
Dim strThreadOrder 'Holds the order the threads are in
Dim blnAvatarImages 'Set to true if avatar images are on
Dim intRepliesPerPage 'Holds the number of replies per page
Dim intHotTopicViews 'Holds the number of views before a topic becomes hot
Dim intHotTopicReplies 'Holds the number of replies before a topic becomes hot
Dim blnPrivateMessenger 'Set to true if the private messenger is on
Dim intPrivateMessages 'Holds the number of private msg's a user can have in there inbox
Dim strForumName 'Holds the forum name
Dim blnActiveUsers 'Set to true if the active users list is enabled
Dim blnProcessTime 'Set to true if the user wants the page genration time displayed
Dim blnAuthorEdited 'Set to true if the user wants the name of a post editor displayed
Dim blnFlashFiles 'Set to true if Flash support is enabled
Dim intPollChoice 'Holds the numebr of Poll Choices
Dim strWebsiteURL 'Holds the URL to the sites homepage
Dim blnShowMod 'Set to true if mod groups are shown on the main forum page

'Read in the users details for the forum
strForumName = Request.Form("forumName")
strWebSiteName = Request.Form("siteName")
strWebsiteURL = Request.Form("siteURL")
strForumPath = Request.Form("forumPath")
strTitleImage = Request.Form("titleImage")
blnTextLinks = Request.Form("textLinks")
blnRTEEditor = CBool(Request.Form("IEEditor"))
blnLCode = CBool(Request.Form("LCode"))
intTopicPerPage = CInt(Request.Form("topic"))
blnEmoticons = CBool(Request.Form("emoticons"))
strThreadOrder = Request.Form("threadOrder")
intPollChoice = CInt(Request.Form("pollChoice"))
blnAvatarImages = CBool(Request.Form("avatar"))
intRepliesPerPage = CInt(Request.Form("threads"))
intHotTopicViews = CInt(Request.Form("hotViews"))
intHotTopicReplies = CInt(Request.Form("hotReplies"))
blnPrivateMessenger = CBool(Request.Form("privateMsg"))
intPrivateMessages = CInt(Request.Form("pmNo"))
blnActiveUsers = CBool(Request.Form("activeUsers"))
blnProcessTime = CBool(Request.Form("processTime"))
blnAuthorEdited = CBool(Request.Form("edited"))
blnFlashFiles = CBool(Request.Form("flash"))
blnShowMod = CBool(Request.Form("showMod"))
strMode = Request.Form("mode")

'Initialise the SQL variable with an SQL statement to get the configuration details from the database
If strDatabaseType = "SQLServer" Then
strSQL = "EXECUTE " & strDbProc & "SelectConfiguration"
strSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 " & strDbTable & "Configuration.* From " & strDbTable & "Configuration;"
End If

'Set the cursor type property of the record set to Dynamic so we can navigate through the record set
rsCommon.CursorType = 2

'Set the Lock Type for the records so that the record set is only locked when it is updated
rsCommon.LockType = 3

'Query the database
rsCommon.Open strSQL, adoCon

'If the user is changing tthe colours then update the database
If Request.Form("postBack") Then

'Update the recordset
With rsCommon
.Fields("forum_name") = strForumName
.Fields("website_path") = strWebsiteURL
line97: .Fields("Text_link") = blnTextLinks
.Fields("IE_editor") = blnRTEEditor
.Fields("L_code") = blnLCode
.Fields("Topics_per_page") = intTopicPerPage
.Fields("Title_image") = strTitleImage
.Fields("website_name") = strWebSiteName
.Fields("forum_path") = strForumPath
.Fields("Emoticons") = blnEmoticons
.Fields("Avatar") = blnAvatarImages
.Fields("Threads_per_page") = intRepliesPerPage
.Fields("Hot_views") = intHotTopicViews
.Fields("Hot_replies") = intHotTopicReplies
.Fields("Private_msg") = blnPrivateMessenger
.Fields("No_of_priavte_msg") = intPrivateMessages
.Fields("Active_users") = blnActiveUsers
.Fields("Process_time") = blnProcessTime
.Fields("Show_edit") = blnAuthorEdited
.Fields("Flash") = blnFlashFiles
.Fields("Vote_choices") = intPollChoice
.Fields("Show_mod") = blnShowMod

'Update the database with the new user's colours

'Re-run the query to read in the updated recordset from the database
End With

'Update variables
Application("strMainForumName") = strForumName
Application("strWebsiteURL") = strWebsiteURL
Application("blnTextLinks") = blnTextLinks
Application("blnRTEEditor") = blnRTEEditor
Application("blnLCode") = blnLCode
Application("intTopicPerPage") = intTopicPerPage
Application("strTitleImage") = strTitleImage
Application("strWebsiteName") = strWebSiteName
Application("strForumPath") = strForumPath
Application("blnEmoticons") = blnEmoticons
Application("blnAvatar") = blnAvatarImages
Application("intThreadsPerPage") = intRepliesPerPage
Application("intNumHotViews") = intHotTopicViews
Application("intNumHotReplies") = intRepliesPerPage
Application("blnPrivateMessages") = blnPrivateMessenger
Application("intNumPrivateMessages") = intPrivateMessages
Application("blnActiveUsers") = blnActiveUsers
Application("blnShowProcessTime") = blnProcessTime
Application("blnShowEditUser") = blnAuthorEdited
Application("blnFlashFiles") = blnFlashFiles
Application("intMaxPollChoices") = intPollChoice
Application("blnShowMod") = blnShowMod

'Empty the application level variable so that the changes made are seen in the main forum
Application("blnConfigurationSet") = false
End If

'Read in the forum colours from the database
If NOT rsCommon.EOF Then

'Read in the colour info from the database
strForumName = rsCommon.Fields("forum_name")
strWebsiteURL = rsCommon.Fields("website_path")
blnTextLinks = rsCommon.Fields("Text_link")
blnLCode = CBool(rsCommon.Fields("L_code"))
blnRTEEditor = rsCommon.Fields("IE_editor")
intTopicPerPage = CInt(rsCommon.Fields("Topics_per_page"))
strTitleImage = rsCommon.Fields("Title_image")
strWebSiteName = rsCommon("website_name")
strForumPath = rsCommon("forum_path")
blnEmoticons = rsCommon.Fields("Emoticons")
blnAvatarImages = rsCommon.Fields("Avatar")
intRepliesPerPage = rsCommon.Fields("Threads_per_page")
intHotTopicViews = rsCommon.Fields("Hot_views")
intHotTopicReplies = rsCommon.Fields("Hot_replies")
blnPrivateMessenger = rsCommon.Fields("Private_msg")
intPrivateMessages = rsCommon.Fields("No_of_priavte_msg")
blnActiveUsers = rsCommon.Fields("Active_users")
blnProcessTime = rsCommon.Fields("Process_time")
blnAuthorEdited = rsCommon.Fields("Show_edit")
blnFlashFiles = rsCommon.Fields("Flash")
intPollChoice = CInt(rsCommon.Fields("Vote_choices"))
blnShowMod = CBool(rsCommon.Fields("Show_mod"))
End If

'Reset Server Objects
Set rsCommon = Nothing
Set adoCon = Nothing

<!-- Check the from is filled in correctly before submitting -->
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Hide from older browsers...

//Function to check form is filled in correctly before submitting
function CheckForm () {

//Check for a name of the forum
if (document.frmConfiguration.forumName.value==""){
alert("Vul de naam in van het forum");
return false;

//Check for a site name
if (document.frmConfiguration.siteName.value==""){
alert("Vul de naam in van uw website");
return false;

//Check for a URL to homepage
if (document.frmConfiguration.siteURL.value==""){
alert("Vul de URL in van uw website");
return false;

//Check for a path to the forum
if (document.frmConfiguration.forumPath.value==""){
alert("Vul de URL in van uw forum");
return false;
return true;
// -->

<link href="includes/default_style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="#CCCCCC" text="#000000">
<div align="center">
<p class="text"><span class="heading"> Foruminstellingen</span> <br />
<a href="admin_menu.asp" target="_self">Terug naar beheerdersmenu</a><br>
Hier kunt u de instellingen van het forum aanpassen om zo bepaalde
functies en het uiterlijk van het forum te veranderenFrom here you can
configure general options of the forum to customise the functions and look
of your forum.</p>
<form method="post" name="frmConfiguration" action="forum_configure.asp"
onSubmit="return CheckForm();">
<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1"
width="560" bgcolor="#000000">
<tr bgcolor="#CCCEE6">
<td colspan="2" align="left" class="tHeading"><b>Algemene
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Forumnaam*<br> <span class="smText">Dit
is de naam van het forum.</span></td>
<td valign="top">
<input name="forumName" type="text" id="forumName" value="<% = strForumName %>" size="30" maxlength="50" ></td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Websitenaam*<br /> <span
class="smText">De naam van uw website of forum <br>
bv. janklaassen.nl</span></td>
<td valign="top">
<input type="text" name="siteName" maxlength="50" value="<% = strWebsiteName %>" size="30" > </td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">URL website*<br> <span class="smText">Vul
hier de URL in van uw website, zodat gebruikers van uw forum (weer) naar uw
website kunnen gaan.</span></td>
<td valign="top">
<input name="siteURL" type="text" id="siteURL" value="<% = strWebsiteURL %>" size="30" maxlength="70" ></td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">URL van het forum*<br /> <span
class="smText">De hele URL van uw forum, dus domeinnaam en de map waarin
het forum staat, met andere woorden, het adres dat je in je browser tikt om
het forum te openen.<br />
bv. </span></td>
<td valign="top">
<input type="text" name="forumPath" maxlength="70" value="<% = strForumPath %>" size="30" > </td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Forum plaatje locatie:<br /> <span
class="smText">Dit is het logo of plaatje bovenaan iedere pagina van het
<td valign="top">
<input type="text" name="titleImage" maxlength="65" value="<% = strTitleImage %>" size="35"> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Actieve gebruikerslijst<br>
<span class="smText">Dit zijn alle namen van mensen die op het forum
aanwezig zijn.</span></td>
<td valign="top" class="text">aan
<input type="radio" name="activeUsers" value="True" <% If blnActiveUsers = True Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %>> &nbsp;&nbsp;uit
<input type="radio" value="False" <% If blnActiveUsers = False Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %> name="activeUsers"></td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">
<p>Overzicht van de moderator groepen op de hoofdpagina:<br>
<span class="smText">Dit laat de moderatorgroep zien voor elk forum op
de hoofdpagina.</span></p>
<td valign="top" class="text">aan
<input type="radio" name="showMod" value="True" <% If blnShowMod = True Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %>> &nbsp;&nbsp;uit
<input type="radio" value="False" <% If blnShowMod = False Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %> name="showMod"></td>
<tr bgcolor="#CCCEE6">
<td colspan="2" align="left" class="tHeading">Gebruikers- en
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Identificatie icoontjes:<br>
<span class="smText">Als gebruikers zelf icoontjes kunnen uploaden dan
moet ook de<a href="upload_configure.asp" class="smLink">upload
component</a>ingesteld worden.<br>
Ten behoeve van de veiligheid kunnen alleen geregistreerde gebruikers
icoontjes uploaden.</span></td>
<td valign="top" class="text">aan
<input type="radio" name="avatar" value="True" <% If blnAvatarImages = True Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %>> &nbsp;&nbsp;uit
<input type="radio" name="avatar" value="False" <% If blnAvatarImages = False Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %>> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Smilies:</td>
<td valign="top" class="text">aan
<input type="radio" name="emoticons" value="True" <% If blnEmoticons = True Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %>> &nbsp;&nbsp;uit
<input type="radio" name="emoticons" value="False" <% If blnEmoticons = False Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %>></td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Laat zien door wie het bericht bewerkt
is:<br> <span class="smText">Laat de naam zien van de gebruiker die het
bericht bewerkt heeft als ook de datum waarop dit gebeurt is.</span><br>
<td valign="top" class="text">aan
<input type="radio" name="edited" value="True" <% If blnAuthorEdited = True Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %>> &nbsp;&nbsp;uit
<input type="radio" name="edited" value="False" <% If blnAuthorEdited = False Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %>></td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Flash bestanden/plaatjes:<br>
<span class="smText">Als u dit aanzet, dan kunnen gebruikers in
berichten en handtekeningen flash bestanden laten zien. Let er wel op dat
het forum niet kan controleren of flashbestanden misschien malifide
bestanden zijn.</span></td>
<td valign="top" class="text">aan
<input type="radio" name="flash" value="True" <% If blnFlashFiles = True Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %>> &nbsp;&nbsp;uit
<input type="radio" name="flash" value="False" <% If blnFlashFiles = False Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %>></td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG):<br />
<span class="smText">Dit is de editor waarmee gebruikers berichten
kunnen schrijven en opmaken. Er is hier wel een browser voor nodig die dit
ondersteunt. Momenteel zijn dat Windows IE5+, Netscape 7.1+, Mozilla 1.3+,
and Mozilla Firebird 0.6.1+.<BR>
Als u dit uitzet kunnen de gebruikers berichten schrijven met de
basiseditor. Ten behoeve van de veiligheid is dit wel beter, maar er gaat
wel een stuk functionaliteit verloren.</span></td>
<td valign="top" class="text">aan
<input type="radio" name="IEEditor" value="True" <% If blnRTEEditor = True Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %>> &nbsp;&nbsp;uit
<input type="radio" name="IEEditor" value="False" <% If blnRTEEditor = False Then Response.Write "aangevinkt" %>> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#CCCEE6">
<td colspan="2" align="left" class="tHeading">Weergave berichten en
onderwerpen </td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Topics Per Page:<br /> <span
class="smText">Dit is het aantal onderwerpen.</span></td>
<td valign="top">
<select name="topic">
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 10 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 12 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 14 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 16 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 18 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 20 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 22 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 24 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 26 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 28 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 30 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 32 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
<option <% If intTopicPerPage = 34 Then Response.Write("aangevinkt")
</select> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Berichten per pagina:<br /> <span
class="smText">Dit is het aantal berichten dat op een pagina te zien
<td valign="top">
<select name="threads">
<option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 10 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>3</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 4 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>4</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 5 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>5</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 6 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>6</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 7 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>7</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 8 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>8</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 9 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>9</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 10 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>10</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 12 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>12</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 14 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>14</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 16 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>16</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 18 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>18</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 20 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>20</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 25 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>25</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 30 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>30</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 35 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>35</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 40 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>40</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 45 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>45</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 50 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>50</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 75 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>75</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 100 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>100</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 150 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>150</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 200 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>200</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 250 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>250</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 300 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>300</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 500 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>500</option><option<% If intRepliesPerPage = 999 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>999</option>
</select> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Populaire onderwerpen hoe vaak bekeken:<br
/> <span class="smText">Dit is het aantal keer dat een onderwerp bekeken is
voordat het een populair onderwerp wordt.</span></td>
<td valign="top">
<select name="hotViews">
<option<% If intHotTopicViews = 5 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd")%>>5</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 10 Then Response.Write(" selected") %>>10</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 20 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>20</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 30 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>30</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 40 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>40</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 50 Then Response.Write("geselecteerd") %>>50</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 60 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>60</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 70 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>70</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 80 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>80</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 90 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>90</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 100 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>100</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 110 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>110</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 120 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>120</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 130 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>130</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 140 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>140</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 150 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>150</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 200 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>200</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 250 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>250</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 300 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>300</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 400 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>400</option><option<% If intHotTopicViews = 500 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>500</option>
</select> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Aantal antwoorden populair onderwerp<br />
<span class="smText">Dit is het aantal keren dat een antwoord geplaatst is
voordat het een populair onderwerp is.</span></td>
<td valign="top">
<select name="hotReplies">
<option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 3 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>3</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 4 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>4</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 5 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>5</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 6 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>6</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 7 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>7</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 8 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>8</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 9 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>9</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 10 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>10</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 15 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>15</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 20 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>20</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 25 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>25</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 30 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>30</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 35 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>35</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 40 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>40</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 45 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>45</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 50 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>50</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 60 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>60</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 75 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>75</option><option<% If intHotTopicReplies = 100 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>100</option>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Aantal enquete keuzes:<br /> <span
class="smText">Dit is het maximale aantal keuzes dat in een enquete mag
<td valign="top">
<select name="pollChoice" id="pollChoice">
<option<% If intPollChoice = 3 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>3</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 4 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>4</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 5 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>5</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 6 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>6</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 7 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>7</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 8 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>8</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 9 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>9</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 10 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>10</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 11 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>11</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 12 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>12</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 13 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>13</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 14 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>14</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 15 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>15</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 16 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>16</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 17 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>17</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 18 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>18</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 19 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>19</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 20 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>20</option><option<% If intPollChoice = 25 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>25</option>
</select> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#CCCEE6">
<td colspan="2" align="left" class="tHeading">Prive
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Prive berichtensysteem:<br /> <span
class="smText">Als u dit uitzet kunnen gebruikers geen gebruik meer maken
van het prive berichtensysteem.</span></td>
<td valign="top" class="text">aan
<input type="radio" name="privateMsg" value="True" <% If blnPrivateMessenger = True Then Response.Write "geselecteerd" %>>
<input type="radio" value="False" <% If blnPrivateMessenger = False Then Response.Write "geselecteerd" %> name="privateMsg"> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA">
<td align="left" class="text">Aantal priveberichten per lid:<br /> <span
class="smText">Dit is het maximale aantal aan berichten dat een gebruiker
in zijn.haar inbox mag hebben op een bepaald moment.</span></td>
<td valign="top">
<select name="pmNo">
<option<% If intPrivateMessages = 10 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>10</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 15 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>15</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 20 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>20</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 25 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>25</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 30 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>30</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 35 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>35</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 40 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>40</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 45 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>45</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 50 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>50</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 60 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>60</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 70 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>70</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 80 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>80</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 90 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>90</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 100 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>100</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 150 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>150</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 200 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>200</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 250 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>250</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 500 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>500</option><option<% If intPrivateMessages = 999 Then Response.Write(" geselecteerd") %>>999</option>
</select> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#F5F5FA" align="center">
<td colspan="2" valign="top" class="arial">
<input type="hidden" name="postBack" value="true">
<input type="hidden" name="LCode" value="<% = blnLCode %>">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Instellingen aanpassen">
<input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Annuleren">
<br />
<!--#include file="includes/footer.asp" -->
print the value of blnTextLinks to screen.

it may well be NULL or empty and the table doesn't allow empty strings


Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
A website that proves the cobblers kids adage.
Nightclub counting systems

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Hello anneoctaaf,

>If strDatabaseType = "SQLServer" Then
>strSQL = "EXECUTE " & strDbProc & "SelectConfiguration"
>strSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 " & strDbTable & "Configuration.* From " & strDbTable & "Configuration;"
>End If

Doesn't look right in spacing?

regards - tsuji
I dont see a <INPUT NAME="textLinks"> in your Form although you have blnTextLinks = Request.Form("textLinks").

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