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Can Not Restart Windows Xp Disabled Win Services 4

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Technical User
Jan 13, 2007
While playing where i should have Not Been i disabled something in administrator tools services, i now have no tool bar among other things and can no longer start them back up. (log on as admin while i did this)

Any way to get back what i once had with out reinstall of xp pro sp2

Thank You.

linney, I ment to say, service packs from microsoft update are their in one user account but not other.

"As everything on your machine is falling to pieces why don't you backup your valuable data and either try a repair install or even a clean install of XP?"

Not really just a few Services not running at this Time.
reinstall would be the easy way out, and i don't Give Up this Easy. :) But Not Yet...If at all

Thanks for the links Good read..!!
If you look in the registry if you can get into it as that user under
look at the policies listed and remove any that pertain to the services being blocked.

(back up keys as usual before starting any registry edits).
Will give them another Look, don't think any are blocked
did get some to start but not all.Yet..:)

Thank You.
Are there any Dependencies (other Services) on your Services that aren't starting? See if you can check the Properties of Plug and Play"

I'm sure they do but,right clicking to get to properties is not an option (Greyed out)

"In the Reg Key mentioned in the first link do you have a value called "DependOnService"

will need to check this.


You certainly are an optimist, I have counted several errors in your post so far.

disabled something in administrator tools services, i now have no tool bar

"also in Services at the bottom their is two tabs, 1 is Extended, 2 is Standard. nothing in Extended just Standard

one user does not have toolbar other does, both have desktop icons.

Still can add users but they to have no taskbar.

all this just by changeing some services

System Restore is not able to protect your computer. Please restart your computer,and then run System Restore again

Event Viewer will not let me right click

"System Restore Services running "set to Automatic and can not be started

service packs from microsoft update are their in one user account but not other."

That's about 10 so far and you are still discovering more.

How many before you chuck in the towel? We don't mind, we love them here on the forum, and at the very least you are improving your knowledge of XP.

Did you ever try this one from way up the posting?

How To Reset Security Settings Back to the Defaults

How was your machine before you changed your Services? What was it you said? "all this just by changeing some services". Were there any other problems that sent you heading into Services in the first place? I bet that's an interesting story, you sound just like "Linney" from a few years ago in all my "newbie" glory.

You can run this free tool and it will tell you the status of your Windows Updates and whether they need to be re-installed or not.

Belarc Advisor
I have to say it sure sounds like Rogueware type actions

sounds like WorthaShot was highjacked

I have seen all those symtoms and it is a nasty piece of software that wants you to purchase the fix for the problem they create

here is a great program
How was your machine before you changed your Services? What was it you said? "all this just by changeing some services". Were there any other problems that sent you heading into Services in the first place? I bet that's an interesting story, you sound just like "Linney" from a few years ago in all my "newbie" glory.

Ok..Machine was Fine, that is as fine as Microsoft made the Software No Problems at All.

I made the changes to servies Not Any, Malware,Bug,Worm,Rootkit,ect...unless Mirosoft put it their.

Headed Their just to learn if a reinstall/dirty reistall must happen then i did not learn Anything. So how long doe it take to go threw all the 1,0s in Microsoft.?
still going threw all links and new info as i get them

Newbie Maybe So, Must Start Some where no..?
lol....I hate it when I screw up my own stuff ...especially when I forget to backup or use a test partiton or virtual drive.
READ READ READ that is the only way you are gonna be able to learn and just maybe fix your computer

I have in the past when I was just learning crashed my computer more than a couple of times....bad enough to have to install fresh because I screwed it too bad for a reinstall

to those old techies out there I used to play with assembly langauge did a lot of binary programming.....with machines that needed a powersupply to power a small city....lol

thank god we don't use punch card programming anymore. I even still have some DOS 5 1/2 floppies ....AHHHHH!

WorthaShot you have a long road ahead of you and you will kill the computer more than once....I welcome you into the terminally insane Windows/hardware tweaker's club.....LOL

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