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Can not log in to newly installed Turbolinux

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Dec 11, 2003

I am completely new to Linux. I have an HP Pavilion PC that came with Turbolinux. It was replaced with Windows XP however for professional reasons.

Now I would like to give Linux a try without removing XP. I kept some free unpartitioned space on my HD for that purpose when I installed XP lomg time ago.

I tried to install the Turbolinux that is on the HP CD but this went wrong. The installer could not create and save the partitions. I got an error and the setup aborted. After many trials I created the partitions using XP so the installer only had to format them.
That worked! Thank you Bill for providing some help to Linux ;-)

Then came a bit of a dissapointment: No bootmanager came up. Windows XP booted nicely after the install. No trace of Linux... :-(
I found out that I needed to use a floppy to get Linux to boot. "The bootmanager can not be installed in the MBR if another operating system is already present on the same HD", the help function said, and a floppy is therefore needed. I did not created such a floppy and the result was that I had to re-install the whole Linux to get such a floppy. Nowhere anything mentioned on how to create such a floppy from the CD's... I tried some images but they did not help me.

OK, I still had the courage to go on after many hours...
I re-installed (again) and this time made sure I created the floppy.

Now when I use the floppy to boot the machine I get a prompt saying: "boot:" (How the hell I am supposed to know what I need to fill in here... I am a newbie to Linux...)

I do nothing and after a few seconds the system fills in "Vmlinuz" or something and continues to load from the floppy. Lucky me :)

At the end I get a small window (Gnome) that asks me my login... There is only 1 field here, so no username/password field combination. I can only enter numbers, not normal text.

Can anybody tell me what I need to fill in here? I tried several numbers but nothing seems to work. I created the root password and one user during installation. Why can I not use these? I have no clue which number is needed.

It would also be helpful if someone could direct me to a bootmanager that can boot both XP and Linux without the need for a floppy and that can be added to an already installed system.

The HD setup is as follows:
1. primary partition -NTFS formatted- used by XP as the "C"
2. extended partion containing 1 logical disk used as "D" by XP. Also NTFS formatted.
3. primary partition of 64Mb used as the /boot for Linux
4. primary partition using the remainder of the HD used as the root "/" for Linux.

Any help and feedback is very much appreciated!
Ok, solved already 1 problem: the systen boots from HD now. Is seems that the installer forgot to makr the partition that contains the bootmanager as active. I wonder why this option is not given or why it is even not mentioned. Suggesting to use a floppy to boot your computer is not what I would call userfriendly.

So I used XP again and using a third-party tool I set the /boot partition to active and now the bootmanager boots both XP and Linux.

But the main problem remains: I can only enter numbers -using the numeric keypad only- into the login screen. What could be wrong here?
well you have to enter the username first. Then You enter your password.

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