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Can Node Value & Child node define together?

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Technical User
Jul 30, 2003
Hi Guys,

I design one XML in following format-

<PNode> Top Node
<CNode>Child Node </CNode>

I want to know can we define the node value & child node together within one node? I checked this XML in XMLspy it is returning a well formed XML.

If yes then how to read the value of the node <A> through DOM parser.

Please sugget me some solution.

Thank in advance

Senior Software Engineer,
Infotech Enterprises Limited
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Yes, it is valid XML, but I'd say don't use it as it is needlessly confusing.

If you have:
<xsl:value-of select="//A"/> would give 'aaaabbbb'
<xsl:value-of select="//A/text()"/> would give 'aaaa'.
Hi Jel,

Thanks, to give me this information. But, I want to know how to acess the node value through DOM object. I am using the VB6 with Micosoft XML-3.0 for DOM.

When I creat the DOM object and accessing the value, it is giving following output -
<PNode> Top Node
<CNode>Child Node </CNode>


omsDOM.NodeName PNode
omsDOM.Text Top Node Child Node
omsDOM.NodeValue Null

Why node value is returning null not a 'Top Node' value?

Thanks and Regards


Senior Software Engineer,
Infotech Enterprises Limited
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Well, as I said: it is confusing.
In X-path (which is the query-languge you use in XSL as well as in the DomDocument.SelectNodes(...) function) there are two nodes: PNode and CNode.
However: PNode does contain 2 things, text and CNode.
Therefore, MSXML makes 2 childnodes instead of one.
Try this:
Dim domDoc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument40
Dim ndeSub As IXMLDOMNode

domDoc.loadXML ("<root><PNode>Top<CNode>Child</CNode></PNode></root>")
For Each ndeSub In domDoc.selectSingleNode("//PNode").childNodes
    Debug.Print ndeSub.Text
The tricky part is, that you cannot get to the first (text)subnode using selectSingleNode(...): according to x-path there is no extra childnode.

The reason that NodeValue returns Null is that that property is meant for node-types text, comment, attribute etc (see documentation) and the node-type of your PNode is 'element'.

So: spare yourself a lot of trouble and use this structure:
<Content>Top Node</Content>
<CNode>Child Node</CNode>

Thanks jel for this valuable responce,

I understand your point if we define the node value & child node together then DOM object treat node value as a child node.

I updated my code, now It is working fine.

Senior Software Engineer,
Infotech Enterprises Limited
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
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