Ok in the process of trying to fix another issue, now we cannot make outbound or receive incoming calls. It all rings as a fast busy. I most likely changed something and have no idea where to look. Any suggestions?
That may be the case. I don't know for sure. In the end the phone company said the CPE was out of synch. We had restored our system finally so what I don't know is if I caused it to go out of synch somehow.
From what I can tell (looking at the other fax extension), our Fax Calling Group is 265. The dead extension doesn't have that associated. In my manual I find these steps:
Using those steps you should be able to add the fax station to the Calling Group. If that does not work, post prints of the Calling Group and fax stations for us to review.
In relation to the PRI issues you are having, have you checked the Alarm/Error stack? Please post prints of those also. Have you tried doing a reset on the 100D DS1 module?
Regarding the PRI issue, our provider had to cycle the box (so did we) to resynch our equipment. That resolved that portion of the problem.
I added the line to the calling group, but it didn't help. The main problem I guess is this. I know this is an analog line coming in now (verified with phone company). But I don't know exactly where it connects to our merlin system. If I knew that, I might be able to figure out it's ID, or STN, or Adjunct or something that would enable me to link it back to our fax.
That should not be difficult to ID the line. How many analog lines are on the switch? If they are in the same pool, just cycle thru them and ID them as you go from a display phone. For any lines that are not in a pool, then go to the backboard and use a testset to ID them or all of them. Once you have done that you can look up the port and see how it is/isn't programmed and make changes accordingly.
Use can use one of the ID numbers like 800-444-4444 to make it convenient and even faster if a "Last # Called" button is available.
Ok, am I finally there? phew, I sure hope so. Thanks a ton for this help btw fokls.
I've traced the incoming copper line to where it enters a 412 LS-TDL board. Logical ID 4, Number 804, Type line. I also know that it comes out of a 016 TRR board. Logical ID 40. Board type S/L. (number or extension 559).
I have one of those phone testers so I unplugged the incoming line from the 412 board and plugged it into the phone tester and called the line I was on, says it's busy! Great! Normally it just rings forever. So now it seems pretty confidant that the problem lies between the 412 and 016 boards. I guess that means it's in the programming.
Here's what it looks like:
A Extn SS/PP Type
A 559 3/ 4 T/R
A CTI Link : No Alarms: ACTIVE
A Pool Access :
A Page Group :
A Primary Coverage :
A Secondary Coverage :
A Coverage Group :
A Group Coverers :
A NS Groups :
A Group Calling Member: 265
A Pickup Groups :
A Allowed Lists :
A Disallowed Lists :
A Restrictions : UNRESTRICTED
A ESS Sup. Status : NOT ACTIVE
A ESS Restrictions : ESS-0 - NO RESTRICTION
A Auto Callback : OFF
A Call Waiting : OFF
A Abbreviated Ring : ON
A Line Preference : ON
A Shared SA Ring : ON
A Receive Voice Calls : OFF
A Coverage Inside : ON
A Forwarding to :
A Delay Forwarding : 0
A ARS Restriction : 3
A Forced Account Code : No
A Microphone Disable : No
A Rotary Enable : No
A Remote Forward Allow: No
A Trunk Transfer Allow: No
A NS Exclusion : Yes
A Voice Announce Pair : No
A Voice/Data Pair : No
A Language : English
A Authorization Code :
A 2B Data Port : No
A Primary Ring Delay : 2
A Secondary Ring Delay: 2
A Group Cover Delay : 3
A HotLine Extension : No
A Networking and ISDN Display Preference: NUMBER
A Service Observer:
A Service Observing Group:
A Extn SS/PP Type
A 559 3/ 4 T/R
A Button 34 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 33 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 32 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 31 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 30 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 29 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 28 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 27 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 26 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 25 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 24 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 23 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 22 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 21 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 20 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 19 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 18 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 17 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 16 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 15 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 14 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 13 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 12 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 11 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 10 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 9 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 8 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 7 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 6 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 5 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 4 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 3 *18 SysAcc-OO Ring Status None
A Shared System Access:
A Button 2 *16 SysAcc Ring -I Status None
A Shared System Access:
A Button 1 *16 SysAcc Ring -I Status None
A Shared System Access:
I will grab that here soon. In the meantime, here is a working fax extension:
A Extn SS/PP Type
A 292 3/ 7 T/R
A CTI Link : No Alarms: ACTIVE
A Pool Access :
A Page Group :
A Primary Coverage :
A Secondary Coverage :
A Coverage Group :
A Group Coverers :
A NS Groups :
A Group Calling Member: 265
A Pickup Groups :
A Allowed Lists :
A Disallowed Lists : 7
A ESS Sup. Status : NOT ACTIVE
A ESS Restrictions : ESS-2 - NO RESTRICTION
A Auto Callback : OFF
A Call Waiting : OFF
A Abbreviated Ring : ON
A Line Preference : ON
A Shared SA Ring : ON
A Receive Voice Calls : OFF
A Coverage Inside : ON
A Forwarding to :
A Delay Forwarding : 0
A ARS Restriction : 0
A Forced Account Code : No
A Microphone Disable : No
A Rotary Enable : No
A Remote Forward Allow: No
A Trunk Transfer Allow: No
A NS Exclusion : No
A Voice Announce Pair : No
A Voice/Data Pair : No
A Language : English
A Authorization Code :
A 2B Data Port : No
A Primary Ring Delay : 2
A Secondary Ring Delay: 2
A Group Cover Delay : 3
A HotLine Extension : No
A Networking and ISDN Display Preference: NUMBER
A Service Observer:
A Service Observing Group:
A Extn SS/PP Type
A 292 3/ 7 T/R
A Button 34 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 33 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 32 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 31 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 30 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 29 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 28 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 27 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 26 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 25 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 24 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 23 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 22 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 21 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 20 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 19 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 18 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 17 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 16 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 15 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 14 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 13 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 12 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 11 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 10 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 9 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 8 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 7 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 6 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 5 *21 Blank Status None
A Button 4 70 Pool -I
A Button 3 *18 SysAcc-OO Ring Status None
A Shared System Access:
A Button 2 *16 SysAcc Ring -I Status None
A Shared System Access:
A Button 1 *16 SysAcc Ring -I Status None
A Shared System Access:
Ext 559 needs to have the Pool 70-I button added to it on button 4 (just like the working extention has it) AND "autolineselect" need to be set to choose that button first - so the fax machine can get immediate dialtone from Pool 70.
To add the Pool 70 button - goto, Menu, System Program, Start, Extentions, Lines/trunks, 559 enter, entry mode, 801 enter - then press inspect. All the lines in Pool 70 should show up. (If 801 is not part of Pool 70 - check to see what lines are in there by going to menu, system program, start, lines/trunks, pool, 70 enter, entry mode - then press inspect) If only line 804 is in there - then substitute an entry for 804, instead of 801 - above.
Next - set autoline select by pressing menu, system program, start, more, cntr-prog, program ext, 559 enter, touch the 4th button up from the bottom in the leftmost coulum or button 4 in WinSPM - it should display Pool 70-I, press list feature, choose autolineselect, touch that same 4th button and press enter. Now exit programming.
Ok, a bit more info. I'm told by the person who originally set this up that it was just being used as a pass through. That is to say that it enters the 412 LS-TDL board as a real analog line and should just pass through the system and come out the 016 TRR to the fax machine. There wasn't even an extension intended for it (though why there is we don't know).
You need to find out which analog line is the fax line. That line should not be in pool 70. It may be in its own pool and or a standalone line. Once you find out which line it is - that line needs to be assigned to that extention instead of or in addition to the Pool 70-I button. The Pool 70-I button I mentioned earlier and the autolineselect procedure sinply gives the fax machine access to that pool for dialing out without the need for a 9 in front of each number. If you remove that pool 70-I button and use the 9 - then the fax will be dialing out through a PRI digital line - so it depends on what you want to do. You can instead assign the pool that has the PRI channels (lines) and set autolineselect for it.
If you dial the outside number for the fax machine (DID) and the call does not get to the fax machine - then you need to check the PRI inbound setup to make sure that the 559 DID is setup correctly to route to extention 559.
Actually the DID is a 9222. We're not quite sure how x559 ended up ringing to the fax.
I know the actual line number (9222), I know where it plugs in to the board and I know that internally x559 rings the fax. What I can't figure out is how to get that 9222 to 559. 9222 isn't a valid internal number.
You mentioned finding out which line is the analog line, do you mean internally in the system? If so, how would I do that?
OK - you can tell by where it plugs into the board. So where does line 9222 plug in? which port on which 412 TDL module? What modules are installed in the system (from left to right) after the processor? The processor is slot 0, the next module to the right is slot 1, etc. So which slot is 9222 plugged into and then which 412 TDL port. Count the bottom line port on the 412 as 1 (for this purpose).
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