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Can Netware Client for Win95 be uninstalled? 1

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Technical User
Sep 14, 2001
I need to convert a 2 user NW 4.11 network to a Windows peer-peer network. None of the Novell disks or documentation are available (having been lost in a move) and I am not a Novell expert.

Problem is that I am unable to set up another network on the workstations because Novell IntranetClient keeps taking over the adapter install and requiring its setup disks.

Is there a way to uninstall Intranet Client without rebuilding the workstations from scratch?


The Netware client 32 install folder has an uninstall file called UNC32.EXE

I have placed a copy of it for you here:

If it doesn't work for you, then download or get from somewhere the client32 install files, and run UNC32 on your clients.

After that, restatrt the workstation and check the network settings for additional manual configuration like removing IPX/SPX and installing other protocols (you can also keep with IPX/SPX - MS peer to peer works on this protocol).


Yizhar Hurwitz
To disable the Netware client you should be able to simply remove the Novell Netware client from the network properties. This will leave you with only the Microsoft client. Check the configurations of your protocols and LAN adapter to insure they're bound to the Microsoft client. To completely remove the Netware client you need a program called UNC32.EXE. Here is the link to Novell TID #10015106 on that subject: The file is downloadable from their support site. Just do a search for it through their Patches & Files option.

Good Luck.
Thanks to Yizhar and Peobody.

Yizhar, thanks for the link directly to the file. I'll try it at the client's.

Peobody, just deleting the client from Network properties did not work, hence the need for the original post. Client keeps trying to set itself up. I appreciate the pointer to UNC at the Novell site.

Yihzar couldn't be more correct! UNC32.EXE is required to do a complete uninstall of the client. And, works the best outta all other options.

Just FYI - there is a file called ROLLBACK.EXE

ROLLBACK can uninstall a client too, however there's one big difference. Only use ROLLBACK when your have tried to upgrade an existing client to a newer version - but was unsucessful.

(ie - you upgrade from 3.1 to 3.2. Nothing works right. Now all you want to do is go back to 3.1)

Tried using UNC32 and on both machines it reported that the uninstall failed, after deleting most of the items, leaving me with no client and unable to run on just IPX/SPX. On reboots the system reported VREDIR errors.

Had to completely uninstall everything related to the network, including the NICs and start from scratch. That fixed things.

So, if your UNC32 doesn't complete correctly, save some time and just uninstall everything right away.

Thanks everyone!
Yizhar's answer is the one that works. Forget about just removing it from Network Properties.Once you start doing this you get into all sorts of problems as Szamcow found out. Use UNC32.exe straight off and you will make your life much easier. When you think you have nowhere else to go - Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.
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