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Can I test ASP at home? (Without connecting to the net)?

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Technical User
Apr 20, 2001
I'm just learning about ASP (I already HTML/JavScript and VB (NOT VBScript)) and want to know if I can test my ASP pages at home with an Access database BEFORE I put the pages up on the web.

I have Personal Web Server installed (I think! The box is ticked in the Windows component update list) but so does my friend and nothing in the <% %> tags showed on her machine when I ran some test pages. The code was simple and was copied straight from a book.

I'm not at home for a few days and was wondering if I'd be able to run some experiments with ASP when I get home.

Yes, you can. You need to be sure you know what the IP address of your computer is, first. Then be sure that you place the page within the root directory. Point your browser at that address...and....presto, there is your page.

Root directory is c:\inetpub\
to go to that page:

You can also edit your asp code at home using notepad.
Do you have a cable/DSL modem or dial-up connection? The IP address will be different, especially for dial-up connection, everytime you log off and log back in.

This is how I use PWS at home without being connected to the Internet. Put this data into a file at C:\Windows\Hosts.sam and access your local net as not localhost.com
# Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Chicago
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#     rhino.acme.com          # source server
#     x.acme.com              # x client host       localhost
You'll have to forgive me, I'm new to all this, but I tried to install PWS and I can't because TCP/IP is not installed.

I am not connected to the net at home (I use the work T2 line).

I want to test my ASP pages at home before I upload them.

Now I don't know how to install TCP/IP and I don't know what you mean by &quot;connecting to
What do I put instead of localhost? Or do I actually type it like that? Why can't I put my ASP pages in another directory?
Does it really have to be this difficult to test my pages? I thought it'd be like testing HTML/JavaScript.
I have IE 5.5 at home already. I can try a reinstall is that'll help.
to check if your personal web server is running, place your mouse over the icon in the sysem tray (don't move it for a couple of seconds). it should say its running.

double click the icon - the Personal Web Manager pop-up window should be displayed

click on the Advanced icon - the HOME directory should be selected. select the &quot;Edit Properties&quot; button and insure that the default directory is &quot;D:\Inetpub\ (or C:) - hit ok

in the Default Document(s): input box insure that default.asp is typed in.

click MAIN icon from the left menu bar and insure that the PWS is running by clicking STOP/START

create a page named default.asp and place it in your computers default webroot - by default it is &quot;D:\INETPUB\ (or C:)

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN&quot;>
<title>asp test</title>

hello ASP world

from your webbrowser type in &quot; - by default the default.asp page will be loaded.

Additionally you can set hyperlinks to your asp pages from this default page -or- rename the default page in your and set it up in PWS. there are alot of option you can do once you set it up and get an understanding of what's going on.

also may want to research PWS :)
I'm running Windows XP, and there was no C:\INETPUT\ directory. I created one and tried the examples but nothing happened. Does anyone know how to test them using XP?
Are you running Windows XP home edition, if so then you cant run PWS! Upgrade to Pro, there is a thread on here about this if u can find it - Does XP have IIS or PWS? Saturday 12.00
Sunday [img http
Here's a thought:

If you are just now learning ASP then go ahead and learn ASP.NET instead. Then download Microsoft's Web Matrix (it's free) which is a web editor and it has an internal web server to test the pages.

I have been using ASP for a little over a year now and I just started this week to learn ASP.NET. Web Matrix so far has been great for ASP.NET development.

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