I want is to create a new page form for customers to fill out....you know, with the usual
name...email..number etc etc etc and some of this fields mandatory and some optional...anyway the most important part of this form is for customers to have the capability to upload files...(with a
file size limit in case they try to upload a huge file)...as soon as they
click on the "submit" button the file that they attached (along with the
information that they entered in the form) should be emailed to a couple
email addresses directly...by directly I mean that the attachment should
not be saved on the website's sever...the file should be directly to me or
people that I select..reason for this is that we do not want to use hard
drive space on the server where the website is being hosted or have to
a database on the server to host those attachemtns...(website is being
hosted by a third party)...is this possible? MY website supports php
name...email..number etc etc etc and some of this fields mandatory and some optional...anyway the most important part of this form is for customers to have the capability to upload files...(with a
file size limit in case they try to upload a huge file)...as soon as they
click on the "submit" button the file that they attached (along with the
information that they entered in the form) should be emailed to a couple
email addresses directly...by directly I mean that the attachment should
not be saved on the website's sever...the file should be directly to me or
people that I select..reason for this is that we do not want to use hard
drive space on the server where the website is being hosted or have to
a database on the server to host those attachemtns...(website is being
hosted by a third party)...is this possible? MY website supports php