I have an icon that was created in Illus. It's 1 color - PMS 293 blue. It's a square filled with 100% of the blue. There are 2 letters - serif font, an 'F' and an 'a' placed on top of the box. The letters are 30% of the 293 blue. Parts of each of the letters hang over the box but are invisible/gone/masked -- whatever you want to call it. I can't place a white rule around the box to hide the edges -- sometimes this icon is placed on a color background or close to text. The color and text get cut off or are hidden.
Can this icon be created in InDesign?
I can show someone the exact illustrator icon in a pdf, if you can explain to me how to include a link to a post.
Can this icon be created in InDesign?
I can show someone the exact illustrator icon in a pdf, if you can explain to me how to include a link to a post.