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Campaign Pop-ups?? 1

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Technical User
Sep 10, 2001
I had to check myself to dismiss the possibility of a hallucination, but it's for real.

I just got a Bush campaign pop-up (not sure from exactly where, I was surfing for Group Policy documentation), with a "paid for by RNC" in small print at the bottom. I'm still somewhat befuddled, though I should have seen it coming. Pop-ups are the web's equivalent of TV's commercials, I suppose. But, as a non-TV watcher, I take pop-ups with a little more umbrage.

Just curious as to whether anyone else had seen this yet and if anyone shares my surprise/chagrin?

"'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds." - Malaclypse the Younger
I haven't seen it (I use Opera, which has popup-stopping built in), but I'm not suprised. It was inevitable that some campaign director would think of it sooner or later.

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I just found an article in the Dallas News that said, among other things, that:

The Republican National Committee is testing out two Internet pop-up ads – those unsolicited sales pitches that obscure your view of the score you're seeking or the article you're reading online.

Regardless of one's political leanings, I just can't see this being very well received.

"'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds." - Malaclypse the Younger
You don't suppose there's a sufficiently large population out there that has become so inured to popups that they'll accept them without griping, do you?

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In light of that question, I'm going to take it on faith that they're courting the AOL faithful.

"'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds." - Malaclypse the Younger
I don't like any pop-ups period. Political or not. Especially those that hide behind my main window.

[Blue]Blue[/Blue] [Dragon]

If I wasn't Blue, I would just be a Dragon...
Surely it was a fluke, but...when I reacted per my normal and hit the "X" to close the pop-up, it hung. Used Task Manager to kill it and it hosed every window I had open. I don't want to wax Delphic or anything, but...

"'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds." - Malaclypse the Younger
What type of pop up? Windows messenger or a browser window? Both are easy to eliminate....
Thanks, Dollie.
I'm quite handy with pop-ups/adware issues, but...that's not the point I was making.

"'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds." - Malaclypse the Younger
Just checking :) I guess the pop-ups are no better than the spam I've been getting throughout the primaries.
It took them a while to catch on, but campaign staffers have discovered new territory.

"'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds." - Malaclypse the Younger
You know, as an aside, it's a little troubling to me that it took them so long to catch on to the internet. Wouldn't we want our leaders to be able to not only utilize the internet but understand it as well?
Wouldn't we want our leaders to be able to not only utilize the internet but understand it as well?

I think that might be asking a bit much.

But...then again, wasn't it Al Gore who invented the darn thing?

"'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds." - Malaclypse the Younger

wasn't it Al Gore who invented the darn thing?

Yes, but like some foreign countries, politicians might be able to invent something on any given day (such as cars), but they don't know how to utilize (such as drive) them.

find it interesting that they (RNC) is trying to reach the youth population kinda like Dean, but they are going about it completely backwards and typical of republicans (throw money at what they don't fully understand). cause nothing tweeks me off more then popups
Question: If Al Gore invented the internet, can we hold him responsible for spam and pop-ups?

Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
Personally I think it's a brilliant idea, and it would be the first thing I'd do if I was in opposition to Bush - annoy people into not voting for the competition!
carrr: "But...then again, wasn't it Al Gore who invented the darn thing?"

Yeah, that's why it took the RNC awhile to get on it. After radio and TV went republican, the 'net can't be that far off.
Lots of angry people! Admittedly it is irritating and at first it would seem to put people off the bush campaign however two basic marketing traits are.

1. All publicity is good publicity.
2. If you shout loud enough for long enough people will follow! No matter how ridiculous the message. Just look as Sadam and Hitler.

George will no doubt make many enemies with this seemingly controversial approach but I have no doubt that it will work.

My only quip with this marketing strategy is that we britts will probably have to put up with these American polling messages that we have no control over!

Sure it won’t be long before Blair has his ugly mug plastered all over the web iether! Monkey see monkey do!
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