We have a DID that routes to a VDN (set to Yes for Attendant Vectoring) that goes to a vector with Attendant Vectoring set to Yes as well.
The vector has a queue to attendant extension step followed by a step that if the queue fails to route to an automated attendant vector.
The issue is that if the queue fails and it routes to the auto attendant vector and we enter a person's extension, the call will not follow the extension's coverage path, or it won't follow the extension's forwarded number.
If we remove the queue to attendant step everything works. So it seems like the failed queue is causing the call not to follow coverage/fowarding.
The vector originally had a goto vector step to send the call to the auto attendant vector, but I changed it to a route-to VDN to see if it would help. I know that routing to another VDN is supposed to "dequeue" a call. But that didn't work either.
- Stinney
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