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Callpilot to Laptop with Serial Cable - Easy Question 2

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Aug 31, 2004
Hi Guys ..
kind of a stupid question .. I've gotta change the ip of a callpilot for the first time .. I've read the faq and all makes sense .. The Serial cable I need .. What gender do I need? A Female-Female cable, or is it Male-Female ?? I don't have a callpilot in front of me so i'm not sure and i'd like to have the proper cable before going to customers ..

Thanks a bunch !!

You need a male end to plug into the CP....as for your laptop it most likely takes a female....so male to female is my answer, if you dont have one but have a cross over RJ45 data patch cord you can use my FAQ listed further down under Norstar Call Pilot 100/150.

Melissa if you can swing your excellant FAQ it there too would make it easier.


Thank you curly cord ..

I can't still use a x-over patch cable though if the IP was previously changed and I have no clue what it is now though right ?? (I tried that, connected directly with x-over cable and change my ip to be in the range of default ip, didn't work)

Try setting your laptop to obtain IP auto..then plug the cross over cable into the CP...go to command prompt of your laptop type: ipconfig (enter) see if it gives you the gateway ip..this should be the IP of the CP. I beleive this should work..
That seems to make alot of sense .. I will try that ..

Thank you very much !!

unless your call pilot has a built-in dhcp server, it will not give your laptop an ip adress.
as far as I know there is no dhcp server on board, which is why you must give your laptop an ip address to work with.
If you get the serial connection to the CP made set your term program to caputure the data. I think that when you power up the CP the IP address is sent out on the serial caable along with the other data on startup, If you capture and read that you will find your address.

Strong suggestion for anyone who is changing the IP address on a CP is to take a sharpie and write it on the inside door of the CP. I Use this method for all permanate notes that belong to the CP such as upgrade codes.

Mind like a Steel trap - Once used forever clamped shut.

Communications Systems Int'l
Our policy proceedure is to always put a Ptouch label in/on CP's, NAMs and phone system. Info on label contains any thing that has been changed from default. Including passwords. I know some will say we're nuts for displaying passwords, but our policy is that the equipment belongs to the customer and so do the passwords.
To determine the IP address if changed from the default setting ( connect laptop via serial cable directly to CallPilot. As indicated in previous posts, most likely male/female cable. I use Hyperterminal, create a connection 9600, 8-none-1, no flow control. Connect cable to CallPilot. Disconnect and re-connect power to CallPilot to force it to reboot. On the terminal screen watch for a prompt:
"To change any of this, press any key within 5 seconds"
Press 'Enter' and should be prompted:
"(M)odify any of this or (C)ontinue"
Press 'M' key and 'Enter' and should be prompted:
"Do you want a Lan interface?"
Press 'Y' and 'Enter' the next to display will be the I/P address of the unit.
You can also change the I/P address @ this point. 'Enter' leads thru some other values for Subnet, next-hop router (if required) until another prompt of "(M)odify or (C)ontinue?"
Press 'C' and 'Enter'
CallPilot ready and disconnect.
In personal experience, the terminal screen will remain blank for about 1 min. after pwr up of CallPilot. The first prompt "To change any of this ...." appears so quickly that your likely to miss it. At the very first indication of any text appearing on the terminal screen, hit your 'Enter' key.

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