I've got a SP (pVisaIntern) that makes two temporary tables and makes a combined result. It has two inputs and all works fine in query browser.
How do I call this on my page?
Hope you can understand the code even if its in swedish
Running Apache, MySql and php5.
All help is appreciated!!
I've got a SP (pVisaIntern) that makes two temporary tables and makes a combined result. It has two inputs and all works fine in query browser.
How do I call this on my page?
include "../connect.php";
// HTML-tabellens formatering - tabellstart
echo "<table border='1' bordercolor='#FFAA2A' bgcolor='#FFFFD4' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3'>";
echo "<tr bgcolor='#C4E7C9' align=center><td width='45'>Artikel</td><td width='245' align=left>Benämning</td><td width='45'>Vikt</td><td width='45'>Grupp</td></tr>";
#---- Hämtar data skriver ut den ----#
$artikel = mysql_query("call pVisaIntern('2009-01-01 00:00:00','2009-01-31 23:59:59');") or die(mysql_error('hittar inga artiklar'));
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $artikel ))
#skriver ut innehåller radvis
echo "<tr align=right><td>";
echo $row['Artikel'];
echo "</td><td>";
echo $row['Benämning'];
echo "</td><td >";
echo $row['Vikt'];
echo "</td><td>";
echo $row['Grupp'];
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<b>-</b>";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
Hope you can understand the code even if its in swedish
Running Apache, MySql and php5.
All help is appreciated!!