I want to be able to setup after hours call vectoring scripts, where callers get voice prompts and messages, based upon their reponse, it will either call a specified number, or go to a specified voicemail.
We have a G3v6.1 switch. By enabling call vectoring and purchasing an announcement pack, will I be able to write the necessary scripts, to allow for caller prompts and it route the calls to the approiate numbers or voicemail?
Does enabling call vectoring, also enable call prompting or is that a seperate feature that must be purchased as well?
Is there anything else I may be forgetting?
We have a G3v6.1 switch. By enabling call vectoring and purchasing an announcement pack, will I be able to write the necessary scripts, to allow for caller prompts and it route the calls to the approiate numbers or voicemail?
Does enabling call vectoring, also enable call prompting or is that a seperate feature that must be purchased as well?
Is there anything else I may be forgetting?