We are running Avaya Voicemail Pro 3.2.15. Currently, we are set up for our main number to answer to a menu that gives options such as "Press 1 to search by name, Press 2 to leave a voicemail, 3 for support, etc".
One option not in said menu is an option for if you actually know the extension of the party you are trying to reach. I know how to expand for an additional menu option number, but unsure how/where to point it to. Basically, not sure how to build the logic for the option to input a specific extension directly. I assume it would be an "action" to build and point to, but just looking for a little guidance.
One option not in said menu is an option for if you actually know the extension of the party you are trying to reach. I know how to expand for an additional menu option number, but unsure how/where to point it to. Basically, not sure how to build the logic for the option to input a specific extension directly. I assume it would be an "action" to build and point to, but just looking for a little guidance.