Has anyone sorted the distortion issue when using the BCM's Call Recording?
Does anyone use it and NOT have distortion?
If so which BCM and which release?
I am wondering if it's a handset (transmit)issue, such as newer sets where the transmit is much greater.
I never thought to try older phones or handsets till now.
Does any one know of a decent multiline analog recorder to intercept the lines?
While the Call Record via Callpilot works fine the client does not wish to press Record for every call.
Toronto, Canada
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Does anyone use it and NOT have distortion?
If so which BCM and which release?
I am wondering if it's a handset (transmit)issue, such as newer sets where the transmit is much greater.
I never thought to try older phones or handsets till now.
Does any one know of a decent multiline analog recorder to intercept the lines?
While the Call Record via Callpilot works fine the client does not wish to press Record for every call.

Toronto, Canada
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