We had real problem with Verint and CTI. We ditched them and got a ASC call recorder which has been far more reliable and still records even if there is an issue with CTI. Also the verint got confused when the worktimer feature was in use.
Yeah, I'm looking at telrex right now. Thanks for the feedback. The only question about active recording is what is an impact on DSP resources since it is creating a Slent Monitor session for each call. Besids that will it continue recording if a call is being forwarded to another party which normally should not be recorded?
It's make morrinring on the switch only . the call recording don't need more DSP resources on the 3300.
and as i know by callrex you can store 170 houres/1GB.
No extra resources necessary. It's not the 3300 that does the mirroring, it's the Secure Recorder Connector that sits on MSL. So doesn't use any extra 3300 resources
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