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Call Forward Unplugged Set

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Jul 31, 2004
I have a MICS 6.1 system. We are slowly converting staff to a new system, so I'd like to off-premise forward extensions to the new switch. It works if the sets are plugged in, but I'd rather not have 2 sets on every desk if possible. Is there any way to redirect a set to an outside # if the set is unplugged? Thanks.
I would do that but I'm going to have 30 of them and I'll trip and kill myself in my phone room....
if you temporarily connect a set to that dn, set the call forward, then hangup, and un plug it,it will probably work. if not set the answer dn for that dn on the set where you want it forwarded to.
Here's an example of ho I set up some virtual extensions on a 6.1 system. You don't have to do all the steps, but I'm including it for others.

Norstar Virtual Office Technical Explanation

Detailed programming info at end of document.

Synopsis: Virtual offices (No physical phone on system) are created by:

1. Target a DID (555-7900 thru 7939) to a Line (157 thru 284)
2. Add that line to a virtual extension (285 and up) to Appear and Ring
3. Assign that extension (i.e.285) as Answer DN at phone on wall in MDF (ext 251) to Appear only. Ext 251 is Forward No Answer to Vmail (253)
4. Dedicate a Hunt Group to that company (707 thru 736) with a Member of Vmail (253) and Target line (i.e. 157) Assigned
5. Create a Mailbox to match Target line (i.e.157) with Extension info being Hunt Group number (i.e.707)
6. Initialize mailbox (i.e. 1570000 is box number and password. If I set up mailbox, the default will be box1234 i.e. 1571234 to log in)

The idea is- a Line has to appear somewhere on the system to forward to Vmail, even if there isn’t a physical phone for that company. By putting that company’s extension on a Virtual extension, and having the virtual extension as an Answer DN on MDF set (ext251), it allows line to forward through to that company’s greeting. Owner of that company simply calls their own number and hits * * quickly when greeting plays to log in (i.e. 1571234). All Vmail admin tasks for that company can be performed in this manner.

Example setups:

A. Virtual company with no suite or phone. Their published number is 214-7935. (If they already have a published number, it can be forwarded/pointed to this number by the phone company.)

LINES- DID 555-7935 is Line 157, Public, Received digits 935, If Busy-Busytone, Primeset- None, Dstnct ring- None, Aux ringer- None. Change Name to company name (max 7 characters) Telco Features- no programming needed.
TERMINALS AND SETS- Virtual ext 285. Assign Line 157 to Appear & Ring. Prime line: None,
CAPABILITIES- Forward no answer to Vmail 253.Forward delay- 2 . NAME- company name
SYSTEM PROGRAMMING- Hunt groups- HG01-(707)-Member DN- 253 (Vmail) Appear & Ring, Line Assignment- Line 157 Assigned, Mode: Broadcast If Busy: Busytone, Q Timeout 15, Overflow: 253 (Vmail)
TERMINALS AND SETS- Ext 251 (MDF phone) Assign Answer DN for Ext 285 to Appear Only. Ext 251 is Forward No Answer to Vmail. Forward Busy is None.

Voicemail- Create mailbox 157 (matches Line number for 555-7935) Type: Subscriber, Extension 707 (Hunt group number), Service Class: 1,
Name: company name, Directory- No, Msg Waiting: No, Outdial: None, Alt1 ext- None, Xfers: Blind.

Initialize box- Login is 1570000. Must Change password. I make it 1 2 3 4. Record Name and Greeting.

B. Company with suite and phone. Do standard way without hunt groups, etc except if Answer DN at reception MAKE SURE FORWARD DELAY IS 3 OR BELOW. Otherwise call will go to General Delivery box since it is ringing at reception.

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