I've setup a circular call forwarding route on our system where in cases of no answer or busy:
A forwards to B
B forwards to C
C forwards to D
D forwards to E
Z forwards to A
However after 12 call forwards the call simply waits on the 12th DN, and doesn't route.
I can't use a hunt list (can't group pickup) so this is my only option (or is it?).
Any idea how I can raise the limit, or perform a work around?
A forwards to B
B forwards to C
C forwards to D
D forwards to E
Z forwards to A
However after 12 call forwards the call simply waits on the 12th DN, and doesn't route.
I can't use a hunt list (can't group pickup) so this is my only option (or is it?).
Any idea how I can raise the limit, or perform a work around?