I have been requested to redesign our call forward external setup. Currently, cdb for att and ftr for our main site is cfo, all sets cfxa. We program a user's cell phone number into a phantom TN at a secure remote site with CFXA and CDB set to CFF - this scenario works great, and it avoids toll fraud. We would like to move the call forwarding feature to our main site switch - which I can do, but I have a couple of questions on how to avoid toll fraud, and one setup question. Here we go:
1st - we plan to set cfw to 4 digits on the user's set, and dcfw a phantom TN. Do both TN's get CLS CFXA? If CDB reads from the forwarding set when set to CFF, I would assume the user's desk phone is the one that gets CFXA, and the phantom TN requires CFXA in order to DCFW to a external number - or is it possible to leave the deskset at CFXD, and CFF reads from the phantom's CLS?
2nd - if the CFF is picking up the CLS from the user's desk set, how do you stop someone from forwarding to 9?
3rd - again, if CFF is picking up the CLS from the user's desk set, is disabling forward to an LD number as simple as restricting the CFW to 4 digits or is there a "hackers" way around the digit limitation set by CFW?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
1st - we plan to set cfw to 4 digits on the user's set, and dcfw a phantom TN. Do both TN's get CLS CFXA? If CDB reads from the forwarding set when set to CFF, I would assume the user's desk phone is the one that gets CFXA, and the phantom TN requires CFXA in order to DCFW to a external number - or is it possible to leave the deskset at CFXD, and CFF reads from the phantom's CLS?
2nd - if the CFF is picking up the CLS from the user's desk set, how do you stop someone from forwarding to 9?
3rd - again, if CFF is picking up the CLS from the user's desk set, is disabling forward to an LD number as simple as restricting the CFW to 4 digits or is there a "hackers" way around the digit limitation set by CFW?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.