I have a form that I would like to calculate from fields. This is got to be a simple procedure but I tried using help to search for calucations and formulas and got no assistance.
Here's an example I would like
Field-1 is a drop down box with numbers
Field-2 is a drop down box with percentage number
Field-3 is the result of Field-1 + the percentage number
So if I pick 10 in Field-1 and 20% on Field-2 them Field-3 should show the result of the calculation as 12.
Here's an example I would like
Field-1 is a drop down box with numbers
Field-2 is a drop down box with percentage number
Field-3 is the result of Field-1 + the percentage number
So if I pick 10 in Field-1 and 20% on Field-2 them Field-3 should show the result of the calculation as 12.