I have a report which is actually a summary only report.
There are 8 columns across the top. The report is showing destinations along the left side. Across we have:
fare comm upfrt rebate adj comm chk rebate net comm
gross comm % by location and last locations gross comm as a % of the total comm rec'd. All columns calculate correctly with the exception of the last. This column needs to show the % of the total comm by location. If a location earns 116.40 in comm and the total for all locations is 1154.42 the % s/b 10.06. There are two running totals involved:
grp sub ttl comm due and grd ttl comm due. I have tried:
grp sub ttl comm due /grd ttl comm due and only the last item in the column shows the correct %. I was told by someone that I should probably do a sub report to create the totals and then use it in the existing report. I have never worked with a sub report and am at loss as to how to even begin. Is there another way to get the % in the report? I can attach a copy if someone tells me how. Thanks for any and all replies.
There are 8 columns across the top. The report is showing destinations along the left side. Across we have:
fare comm upfrt rebate adj comm chk rebate net comm
gross comm % by location and last locations gross comm as a % of the total comm rec'd. All columns calculate correctly with the exception of the last. This column needs to show the % of the total comm by location. If a location earns 116.40 in comm and the total for all locations is 1154.42 the % s/b 10.06. There are two running totals involved:
grp sub ttl comm due and grd ttl comm due. I have tried:
grp sub ttl comm due /grd ttl comm due and only the last item in the column shows the correct %. I was told by someone that I should probably do a sub report to create the totals and then use it in the existing report. I have never worked with a sub report and am at loss as to how to even begin. Is there another way to get the % in the report? I can attach a copy if someone tells me how. Thanks for any and all replies.