I am using CR9. I am trying to create a report where I calculate cost of a phone call. The database I am getting from the phone company is a CSV file. When I create a report for it, all the fields show up as String[255]. Half of my options are missing. I can't use SUM on running totals. Formulas fail because they expect a number or currency.
So I try to import my CSV file into an Access DB. I try a straight forward import. That results in the same failed formulas. During another import I tried to specify them as memo fields. Then I created a formula to be equal to that DB field and make calculations off of the formula. Still not working.
Any ideas? Thanks
So I try to import my CSV file into an Access DB. I try a straight forward import. That results in the same failed formulas. During another import I tried to specify them as memo fields. Then I created a formula to be equal to that DB field and make calculations off of the formula. Still not working.
Any ideas? Thanks