Hi, I was wondering if someone could give this newbie to Crystal some direction. I have a field that either a 0,1,2,or a 3. What I need to do is count all of them that are 0. The following is the formula I am using, this formula works but when you enter new dates ranges to search on it keeps incrementing instead of starting over at zero. How can i reset it so every time the records are searched it starts back at zero? Please help...
numbervar nRemoteNumber;
global numbervar nCalculatedRemote;
if {T103.C536871197} = 0 then
nCalculatedRemote:= nCalculatedRemote + 1
thanks rroswelltx
numbervar nRemoteNumber;
global numbervar nCalculatedRemote;
if {T103.C536871197} = 0 then
nCalculatedRemote:= nCalculatedRemote + 1
thanks rroswelltx