I need to calculate daily totals of the number of employees for a beginning date to the current date.
So, if my start date is 08/01/05, and current date is 08/31/05, then I would need the counts for employees for 08/01, 08/02, .... .... 08/31. How to I get each date to print? The fields I am using in my table are Name, HireDate and TermDate. How do I calculate each day in my date range?
(I am using CR10.) Thanks!
So, if my start date is 08/01/05, and current date is 08/31/05, then I would need the counts for employees for 08/01, 08/02, .... .... 08/31. How to I get each date to print? The fields I am using in my table are Name, HireDate and TermDate. How do I calculate each day in my date range?
(I am using CR10.) Thanks!