I have a subform, which lists data based on the invoice number of the main form. So far, it works great. I then try to get the totals for PRICE of the items on the subform. Again, it works! Now it gets tricky...there are several categories which the various items fall into, like LABOR, PARTS, SHIPPPING. I am trying to get subtotals for each of the categories that appear on the form. I want separate controls for each subtotal, and ultimately the subtotals need to appear on the main form, but I can deal with that after I figure out how to get them on the subform. I know I want a calculated control that is not part of my table, and need to put something into the CONTROL SOURCE properties field. I must be close...If I use DSUM, I can add a qualifier to the equation that specifies the category. Good news, it gives me the totals for each category, but bad news, it includes everything in the table, not just the items associated with the invoice of interest. If I use SUM, it won't let me use the qualifier that limits the number to a specific category, so I get a total for the entire form, not just the individual category.