Technical User
I'm trying to set up a formula to calculate a shift time that crosses over midnight into 2 days. This formula will be used to count the number of scans recorded during this time.
Example. Shift Start Time 19:00, Shift End Time 03:00. Report will be used on a live dashboard through Crystal Server 2008. It will refresh every 5 mins between 19:00 and 03:00. This will give a live display of scan totals throughout the shift.
All help greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to set up a formula to calculate a shift time that crosses over midnight into 2 days. This formula will be used to count the number of scans recorded during this time.
Example. Shift Start Time 19:00, Shift End Time 03:00. Report will be used on a live dashboard through Crystal Server 2008. It will refresh every 5 mins between 19:00 and 03:00. This will give a live display of scan totals throughout the shift.
All help greatly appreciated.