I am using Crystal 2008, Crystal Reports Server 2008, Oracle 11g.
I am writing a report to display the elapsed times between different statuses for an incident. There are 10 different statuses. The user wants to be able to select the statuses to start and end the elapsed time calculations and this will be done by selecting a Start Timer and End Timer parameter value at run time.
After extracting and displaying the incident elapsed times, I need to display the average elapsed times between the statuses for the incidents for the timers in the timer range selected (if the status is before of after the statuses selected, then don't display the elapsed time calculations for those statuses).
Average Response Times (Start Timer:Open to End Timerroceeding)
Metro Nth Region
Min 5.94 Max 52.59
Pre-Create Open Unviewed Viewed Allocated Proceeding At Scene On Air Finish Close Total
Average x x 4.2 4.31 15.4 0.03 x x x x 23.94
I have created formulas to determine the start timer and the end timer, and to work out how many timers in between these using the paramater values selected, eg (T1,T2,T3,T4...):
I'm not sure how to write a formula that will take the selected start timer and calculate each elapsed time for each status change until the selected end timer. Is anyone able to help?
I am using Crystal 2008, Crystal Reports Server 2008, Oracle 11g.
I am writing a report to display the elapsed times between different statuses for an incident. There are 10 different statuses. The user wants to be able to select the statuses to start and end the elapsed time calculations and this will be done by selecting a Start Timer and End Timer parameter value at run time.
After extracting and displaying the incident elapsed times, I need to display the average elapsed times between the statuses for the incidents for the timers in the timer range selected (if the status is before of after the statuses selected, then don't display the elapsed time calculations for those statuses).
Average Response Times (Start Timer:Open to End Timerroceeding)
Metro Nth Region
Min 5.94 Max 52.59
Pre-Create Open Unviewed Viewed Allocated Proceeding At Scene On Air Finish Close Total
Average x x 4.2 4.31 15.4 0.03 x x x x 23.94
I have created formulas to determine the start timer and the end timer, and to work out how many timers in between these using the paramater values selected, eg (T1,T2,T3,T4...):
if ({?Start Timer} = "T1" then table.Precreate_time
else if ({?Start Timer} = "T2" then table.Open_time
else if ({?Start Timer} = "T3" then table.Unviewed_time
ToNumber (Right({?End Timer},1)) - ToNumber (Right({?Start Timer},1))
I'm not sure how to write a formula that will take the selected start timer and calculate each elapsed time for each status change until the selected end timer. Is anyone able to help?