Hi there again
Hope you are all well
Ok next problem on my database
we have boxes of potatoes put into our store say 24 of them
I have to fields in my store table 'box number'(the original number of boxes put in that store) and remainingboxes 'the boxes currently in that store'
The later field needs to be updated when boxes are removed from the store so the users know when that store is empty.
The way I went about it was to put an unlinked text box on the field set as a numeric field as is remainingboxes
then in the valid event i put in the folowing code
whwn I run the form however it comes up with an opperand/operator mismatch
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
Hope you are all well
Ok next problem on my database
we have boxes of potatoes put into our store say 24 of them
I have to fields in my store table 'box number'(the original number of boxes put in that store) and remainingboxes 'the boxes currently in that store'
The later field needs to be updated when boxes are removed from the store so the users know when that store is empty.
The way I went about it was to put an unlinked text box on the field set as a numeric field as is remainingboxes
then in the valid event i put in the folowing code
whwn I run the form however it comes up with an opperand/operator mismatch
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance