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cable modems 2

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Technical User
Aug 16, 2002
I have a cable modem and need to know how many pc's I can network off of it using a router to assingn ip addresss so not to be charged for each machine, my pcs are all networked to a main server. I know I'm missing somthing here just not sure what? hope this makes some sense.
I could be just having a bad day,or just my turn to be brain dead

You're missing the point that you're paying for broadband so why in the world would you be worried about how many pc's are networked? It only makes sense that you are paying for the connection that comes to your home/office not to each of the pc's in the house. That's just my 2 cents.
I guess what Im wondering is am I limited as to how many
pc's will be able to run off that one cable modem
There really isn't a limit, or at least not a number that you would be worried about. The IP address that the cable ISP gives you is held by the router. Using DHCP, the router then dynamically assigns internal IP address in the range of 192.168.x.x to each PC. These internal IP's can't be seen outside of your LAN.

Does that make sense?


[tab]"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources"
[tab][tab]- A. Einstein
Your only limit is the number of routers and ports that you can network together. So basically the sky is the limit and your $$ is probably what's holding you back.
Thank you for all the replies, I think I've got it now!
Like I said it's just one of those day's, 2 people out and it's just so dam hot, thanks again for the great feedback!
I believe you're only restricted to the number of IP addresses that your router will support. Running DHCP, the router will automatically assign each IP address. My wireless router will support about 100 addresses, I think.

- drummerjt
Some of these cable Internet outfits have policies concerning the number of computers or IP addresses. This is why routers are used. A router is acutally a limited use computer that connects a wide area network (WAN) to a Local Area Network (LAN). It also blocks attempts to find your true internal IP addresses and can make it look like there is only one computer attached by masquerading one Network Hardware Address of one of your NIC cards in one of your computers. You can typically get one with 4 or 8 ports. Some have Gigabit Ethernet and some have slower access. Since a Cable Connection is usually limited to less than 10 Mbps often the cable connection is 10Mbps and the switch side is 10/100 Mbps.

The Router has most of the network connection information like the IP address of the server, and how to connect, so that information is not needed by the individual comptuers. All your computers need to know is the workgroup name and than you connnect to the Internet through the LAN.

I use a Linksys router with a 4 port switch. They claim you can hook up like over 200 different devices to the router if you can afford to buy some switches, etc. In reality the devices sold for home use are dummed down versions and are easier to use. The full blown routers are harder to configure, require lots of training to set up, and come with a much larger price tag.

You need to compare options on routers before you buy one.

is a good place to look for some basic information. If you are going to be using cable modem service for over one year, it can be worth purchasing a Cable Modem. I use a Motorola Surfboard cable modem.

If you do not like my post feel free to point out your opinion or my errors.
Thanks for the great info, it sure came in handy for last min meeting with ISP. you guys are A+ in my book!!!
thanks again Frank
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