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Mar 5, 2012

I have a CAB-PFL alarm that will not clear. This process has been going on for us for quite a while. We have swapped fan assemblies, power supplies, serial bus cables, bus terminators as well as one G650 cabinet. We have not swapped the second cabinet in the carrier nor have we swapped IPSI cards. We have busied each IPSI and unseated them followed by testing for alarms but have been unable to get the alarm to clear. Could this just be a falsely reported alarm?

Any suggestion or idea is welcomed.

Thank you in advance for your input.
Does the alarm indicate which power supply? Is there an alarm light on that power supply?
Do you have a maintenance board in that port network and is the firmware up to date on it? Can you swap it out for another?
There's also the possibility of a bent pin on the backplane but I'd rule that out since you've swapped cabinets and I'd have a hard time believing that a bent pin in the second cabinet would translate into an alarm on cabinet 1 but you never know.
Can you verify clean power getting to the power supplies?
Isolation can go pretty deep as you're aware. The very last thing I would do is pull all boards out of the cabinets in the port network aside from the IPSI and only leave a single power supply in each cabinet to try and get the alarm to go away.

Best of luck.
This example is for fan assembly with fans running on high speed or all 3
fans not running

display alarms                                                         Page   1

                                 ALARM REPORT

Port       Maintenance On   Alt      Alarm   Svc   Ack?  Date        Date
           Name        Brd? Name     Type    State 1 2   Alarmed     Resolved

01D00      POW-SUP     y             MAJOR         n     04/05/15:37 00/00/00:00
01         CAB-PFL     y             MAJOR         n     04/05/15:38 00/00/00:00
01C15      POW-SUP     y             MINOR         y     06/24/08:01 00/00/00:00
01D00      CAB-TEMP    y             MINOR         n     04/05/16:47 00/00/00:00
list configuration power-supply 1

                   SYSTEM CONFIGURATION - 655A Power Supplies

            Power Supply           Power Supply               Power Supply
  Location  Serial Number   Make/Model Number        SAP      Firmware Version

  01A00     06R405001734   Power Unit 655A Rev  C 700246671   2.20
  01B00     06R405001732   Power Unit 655A Rev  C 700246671   2.20
  01C00     06R404002149   Power Unit 655A Rev  C 700246671   2.20
  01C15                    POWER SUPPLY NOT PRESENT
  01D00     06R404002152   Power Unit 655A Rev  C 700246671   2.20
  01E00     06R404002140   Power Unit 655A Rev  C 700246671   2.20
change circuit-pack 1
blank out 1C15 655A

This fixed 01C15 POW-SUP Minor alarm
list configuration power-supply 1

                   SYSTEM CONFIGURATION - 655A Power Supplies

            Power Supply           Power Supply               Power Supply
  Location  Serial Number   Make/Model Number        SAP      Firmware Version

  01A00     06R405001734   Power Unit 655A Rev  C 700246671   2.20
  01B00     06R405001732   Power Unit 655A Rev  C 700246671   2.20
  01C00     06R404002149   Power Unit 655A Rev  C 700246671   2.20
  01D00     06R404002152   Power Unit 655A Rev  C 700246671   2.20
  01E00     06R404002140   Power Unit 655A Rev  C 700246671   2.20
status environment 1

                       CABINET POWER SUPPLY STATUS (655A)

Pow  Alm  Temp(F/C)   Hot     Voltage        FAN       Ring Voltage      Input
Loc  Cnt InLet  Exhst Spot  +5   -5  -48   Ctrl Alm Stat Ctrl  Set  Det  Power

01A00 0  80/27  84/29  ok  5.13 5.18 48.5  mid  N   ok   actv  20HZ  Y   AC
01B00 0  82/28  84/29  ok  5.10 5.13 48.3  mid  N   ok   actv  20HZ  Y   AC
01C00 0  82/28  84/29  ok  5.10 5.13 48.3  mid  N   ok   actv  20HZ  Y   AC
[b][COLOR=#CC0000]01D00 2  91/33  87/31  ok  5.13 5.15 48.8  hgh  Y   ok   actv  20HZ  Y   AC[/color][/b]
01E00 0  84/29  84/29  ok  5.10 5.08 48.5  mid  N   ok   actv  20HZ  Y   AC

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


45 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 35 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]

G650 fan removal/replacement
WARNING: You can remove the fan assembly while the system is running, but you mu
st replace the
new assembly within 60 seconds to avoid a thermal overload.
To replace a G650 fan:
1. Place the new fan assembly close to the G650.
2. Loosen the thumb screws on the fan assembly, and pull it straight out as
shown in
Figure 58: Removing the G650 fan assembly on page 292.
3. Disconnect the fan cable.
4. Connect the new cable and position the new fan assembly.
5. Tighten every thumb screw on the fan assembly.

Avaya Doc

tek-tips link

Some 655A power units made between February and June of 2006 were assembled with
reversed zener diodes. This can cause both power units and thus the G650 Gateway
to be reset when a defective power unit is HOT inserted into a G650 Gateway.
Having one or two defective units installed in a G650 Gateway will not cause any
problems during normal operation, even during a power disruption to one or both
of the units, unless a defective unit is physically reseated or a second
defective unit is added into an operational gateway. Only the act of physically
HOT inserting a defective power unit may cause a disruption. The G650 Gateway
will automatically restart after the disruption. Any G650 Gateways with only a
single 655A power unit will not have any problem unless a defective 655A is
installed as a second power unit, even if the single unit might be defective.
A known good unit can be added, without incident, to a G650 Gateway containing a
defective 655A.
The defect can not be visually inspected and only be identified by serial
numbers and special testing.

Any 655A power units with a serial number from 06R40200XXXX to 06R40600XXXX,
where the 5th and 6th digits indicates the month manufactured, has the potential
to contain a reversed zener diode. Many units in this range have been screened
for this issue and verified good units are marked with a black dot following the
655A on the latch label.
Marked with a d o t when screened
The shipping boxes that these screened units are in, have also been marked with
a white label, next to the serial number label that say DIODE TEST PASSED.
This label is placed on both 655A Power Unit boxes, as well as G650 Getaway
boxes that contain a screened power unit.
Replace suspect units as needed with screened units as shown above or with units
outside the serial number range. There is no need to replace 655A power units
that are installed in G650 Gateways that only contain a single power unit with
no plans to add a second power unit in the future.
655A power units manufactured after June 2006 with serial numbers of
06R40700XXXX or higher, have been tested by the manufacturer and do not have the
special marking or labels.
G650 Gateways manufactured after July 10th with serial numbers of 061628XXXXXX
and higher, or 06KC29XXXXXX and higher have verified good 655A power units, but
do not have the outside box label.

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


45 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 35 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
The alarm does not indicate a power supply however we have swapped all 4 in the carrier.
We do have a maint board in the carrier and will certainly check for firmware and spares.
We have actually checked for bent pins but can look again.
The only alarm we are getting is the CAB-PFL and the only test that fails is the 1533.
All other tests for the entire carrier pass.

Thank you for your input, definitely good information and will prove useful even if the alarm does not clear.

AvayaTier3 gives some good info about things to check and after reading the maintenance alarm doc for your alarm, there should supposedly be another alarm to go along with the CAB-PFL to help find the issue. Here's an excerpt:

The CAB-PFL represents the state of a combined power/fan lead. This lead is known as the
AuxSig lead. On a G650, the AuxSig output signal is a ground referenced relay contact closure
indicating a failure of the 655A power supply outputs, hot spot thermal warning, hot spot thermal
shutdown, or failure of the fan assembly in a G650.
Use the AuxSig lead to determine the alarm state of the power supplies and fans if the serial
bus or the interface to the serial bus of the TN2312BP IPSI in a G650 fails. If there is a
CAB-PFL alarm in a G650 carrier, there should also be a SER-BUS, POW-SUP, CAB-TEMP, or
PS-RGEN alarm indicating the source of the failure.
please post from your g650 cabinet x:
list config power x
status environment x
test environment x

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


45 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 35 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
You have a bad fan not working, Replace and then do a test environment
We have swapped both fans in the carrier for new ones with the same result.
If they were working then no need to replace them, do any of your power supplies have a solid red light on them?
I see nothing wrong with g650 6a or 6b power or fans.
Please post:
list configuration control
list ipserver-interface
almdisplay -v
display alarm (maj, min)
display error high (active)

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


45 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 35 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
No red lights on power supplies, all status lights are normal.
And my apologies as I do not know almdisplay -v.
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