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C for AIX4.4 Compiler installation 1

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
hi all friends
I am facing in installation of above compiler which
IBM claims to use LUM....From where i can get info
about this odd thing "LUM"
When i try to install standalone server it auto goes
for network license server.
We did the same successfully on test m/c .
Message appears on Live" Contact your vendour for additional
Licences" but compilation of C programmes seems ok
LICENSING NEW C Compilers for AIX 4.3.x
Documentation on lum : ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/lum/aix/doc/V4.5.5/


Loading the C Compiler Version 4.4 or C++ compiler. This is AIX 4.3 and
above with the new Visual Age compilers. The license is contained in the
software package. You do not need to call IBM for a license. REMEMBER
that if your operating system is 4.3.2, you need the latest compilers. You
cannot use the older Version 3 compilers on 4.3.2. (per IBM).

1) Install software and all prereqs. Including the Iforls software and prereqs

lslpp -l vac.C (to see if comitted and installed)

2) Look for the readme file in /usr/vac or /usr/vac/bin and follow the directions.

3) cd /var/ifor

4) ./i4cfg –stop

To start the configuration run :-

/var/ifor/i4cfg -script

i4cfg Version 4.5.5 AIX -- LUM Configuration Tool
(c) Copyright 1995-1998, IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

From a License Management point of view,
you can choose to configure this system as:

1) Network License Client
2) Nodelock License Server (and/or Network License Client)
3) Network (and/or Nodelock) License Server
4) Central Registry (and/or Network and/or Nodelock) License Server (*)

(*) Remember that one and only one Central Registry License Server
(i4gdb daemon) can be active in a Licensing domain.

Please indicate your choice [1,2,3,4]: 2

Do you want to disable remote administration of this Nodelock License
Server? [y,n]: y

You have to choose now which mechanism must be enabled
to locate this License Server:

1) NCS Namespace and Direct Binding (*)
2) Direct Binding only

(*) WARNING: Modifying NCS Namespace configuration may affect
any other application that use NCS on this system.
NCS Namespace is necessary to support old Netls, iFOR/LS Clients.

Please indicate your choice [1,2]: 2

Choose the desired Server(s) logging level
1) Default
2) All
3) Customized

Please indicate your choice [1,2,3]: 1

The default Log file(s) path is /var/ifor
Enter blank to accept default or specify a new path:

Server configuration is complete.

Do you want to modify the list of remote Nodelock and/or Network License Servers
this system can connect to in direct binding mode (both for
Administration purposes and for working as Network License Client) ? [y,n]: n

Do you want the License Server(s) automatically start on this system
at boot time? [y,n]: y

WARNING: Configuration is about to end.
This is your last chance to quit before your updates will be written.

Do you want to continue? [y,n]: y

*** Configuration file updated. ***

Do you want the License Server(s) start now? [y,n]: y
0513-059 The i4llmd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 10616.

'Start Services' has completed successfully

* Configuration completed successfully *

To add the license to the server, run the following command :-

/var/ifor/i4blt -a -f {license file} -R u -T {number of licenses}

example :-

/var/ifor/i4blt -a -f /usr/vac/c44aix_cn.lic -R u -T 5

i4blt Version 4.5.5 AIX -- LUM Basic License Tool
(c) Copyright 1995-1998, IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
(c) Copyright 1991-1997 Gradient Technologies Inc., All Rights Reserved
(c) Copyright 1991,1992,1993, Hewlett-Packard Company, All Rights Reserved

ADM-10099: Product successfully enrolled

6) ./i4cfg –start
7) ./i4cfg -list
8) cd /usr/vac
9) look for file c44aix_cn.lic ( for version 4.4 of AIX C compiler)
10) cp c44aix_cn.lic /var/ifor/c44aix_cn.lic
11) cd /var/ifor
12) vi c44aix_cn.lic
13) (READ THE README….) but look for –R "admin_name" (change name
to root)
14) edit iforblt and put a ./ in front of it
15) –T line -T #_of_licenses change to -T 2 (if you purchased two licenses)
(remember replace the line #_of_licenses with the numeric value.)
16) look for [license certificate] and delete everything on down in file
including license certificate....you can also add an exit 0 to the end of the file
if you don't want to delete.
17) chmod 744 on file
18) run file ./c44aix_cn.lic
19) cd /usr/vac/bin
20) ./replaceCSET (look for close spelling.)
21) cd / which cc (to see if it will pull the correct cc compiler)
22) if you don't have a file to compile try touch foo.c and then cc foo.c (you
will get errors, but it should compile)
try compiling.

Note: If you are reconfiguring IFORLS, try to cd /var/ifor and delete .dat and
.ibx files then run the ./i4cfg –script again
Floating license:
hi aixqueen,
i dont know whether triu have got the solution of his
or her problem but believe me i am facing nearly the
same problem.
two question:
1.How can i know number of licences valid for me.
2.Which type of .lic files will i use in which tyoe
of installation(nodelock,n/w server or client only)
3.If i have number of servers all running C++ compiler
on n/w what i have to choose among four available choices
Hope to hear from queen or any other guru on this issue
Hello...It is what is purchased...generally when you purchase the product, you also
purchase a number of licensed concurrent users....If you didn't purchase additional licenses, you have a single license.

As prv3116 (MIS) so nicely stated...
Node Locked license is fixed to a node/host.

Floating is not attached to any one user. There are a certain number of
licenses available from the license server and are served out as requested.
If all are served (in use) then none are availabe to the next requesting
user and that user will have to wait until one is available.

There is nodelock and or floating licenses....floating can be shared around the network... nodelock is usually sitting on one machine...and the usage is for that machine. The choice is yours..... Because of money, some use floating licenses so
that there is one server and other machines can use the compiler as long as the network between them stays up and also there is a free license available for use...
When the number of concurrent licenses reach the limit that is it until someone stops using the compiler....


If people telnet in and run or compile programs, you do not need to do floating...
and the software is contained on the one machine...

If you want to use one of the machines as a server for the software...then you can
do floating....and it will serve out how many licenses you have and then prohibit
further use until the number in use is below what you purchased...

In my opinion most people tend to shy away from floating ...and put whatever
software they need on each node.........but it depends on your circumstances...and the amount of money you want to spend for additional
full licensed copies...to put on each node..... If money is a factor... one copy
with a number of licenses shared is probably cheaper....but if that node
goes down, you have lost it for all nodes...

A Fixed license is permanently attached to a user.

most select # 2 or # 3 above for the questions asked....again the doc above may help you....
I have a similar problem, I just installed vacpp 5.0 and have enrolled 2 nodelocked liscences with LUM I am at AIX I see a warning message at compile time on any other user that uses the package except the first user I test compiled with. Is this a problem with a node locked liscence that it is tied to specific users?

any help here would be fantastic

I have the same problem with VisualAge 5.0 and LUM. It seems that whatever way I try to configure and enroll the licence I get the warning message when I compile even if the license is successfully enrolled. Since I have found this site I have tried the way that aixqueen suggests but still to no avail. Please help.
Hi all,
Just a bit more info. I am doing this on AIX 4.3.3. and I plan to compile both C and C++ using VisualAge. I have been forced to upgrade the compiler because the old compiler(3.1) wouldn't compile C++.

Sometimes the license will enroll successfully and other times it will come back with
"ADM-10037: There are no active license servers"
I am becoming very confused. All I require is this compiler to run on a single machine that users (up to 10) can telnet to and use compile C and C++ code. I have read all the doco I can find and have followed various ways of configuring LUM and enrolling licenses but when compiling the system always comes back with:
1506-507 (W) No licenses available. Contact your program supplier to add additio
nal users. Compilation will proceed shortly.

I hope someone can help........
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