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Button clicks do not fire in Netscape 7.1

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Feb 22, 2002
Dear folks,

Here's the code in my page :-

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
<TITLE>NEC Hardware Inventory and Call Maintenance Home</TITLE>
<BODY bgcolor=lavender>

<P align=center><FONT color=darkgreen size=5><STRONG><U>Welcome to 
NEC Systems Inventory &amp; Call Maintenance</U></STRONG></FONT></P>
<P align=center><B><U><FONT color=darkcyan size=4>
Inventory Data</FONT></U></B></P>

<P align=center>
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="75%" align=center border=1>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button1 type=button align=middle value=Sectors name=button1 onclick='window.navigate("sector.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button2 type=button value=Vendors name=button2 onclick='window.navigate("vendor.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button3 type=button value="Service Firms" name=button3 onclick='window.navigate("firm.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button4 type=button value=Custodians name=button4 onclick='window.navigate("custodian.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button5 type=button value=Computers name=button5 onclick='window.navigate("computer.asp")'></CENTER></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button6 type=button value=Printers name=button6 onclick='window.navigate("printer.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button7 type=button value=UPS name=button7 onclick='window.navigate("ups.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button17 type=button value=Monitors name=button17 onclick='window.navigate("monitor.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button18 type=button value=Keyboards name=button18 onclick='window.navigate("keyboard.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button19 type=button value=Mouse name=button19 onclick='window.navigate("mouse.asp")'></TD></CENTER>
<P align=center><B><U><FONT color=darkcyan size=4>
Inventory Reports By</FONT></U></B></P>
<P align=center>
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="75%" align=center border=1>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button8 type=button align=middle value="Custodian" name=button8 onclick='window.navigate("CustSelect.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button9 type=button value="Vendor" name=button9 onclick='window.navigate("VendSelect.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button10 type=button value="Service Firm" name=button10 onclick='window.navigate("FirmSelect.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button11 type=button value="Sector" name=button11 onclick='window.navigate("SectorSelect.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button12 type=button value="Computer" name=button12 onclick='window.navigate("CompSelect.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button13 type=button value="Printer" name=button13 onclick='window.navigate("PrnSelect.asp")'></CENTER></TD></TR>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button14 type=button value="UPS" name=button14 onclick='window.navigate("upsselect.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button17 type=button value="Monitor" name=button17 onclick='window.navigate("Monselect.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button18 type=button value="Keyboard" name=button18 onclick='window.navigate("Keybselect.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button19 type=button value="Mouse" name=button19 onclick='window.navigate("Mouseselect.asp")'></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button15 type=button value="Warranty" name=button15></CENTER></TD>
    <TD><CENTER><INPUT id=button16 type=button value="AMC" name=button16></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE></P>


On clicking any of the buttons, they do not open up the relevant page in Netscape 7.1

The page works in IE.

Please help!

can u give us a link??

Known is handfull, Unknown is worldfull
Thanks, vbkris. Sorry this is on Intranet, so I cannot give you the link. As you can see, for instance, Sectors button should activate sector.asp (a data-entry form) thru the code
onclick='window.navigate("sector.asp")'.The problem is that sector.asp does not fire. But when sector.asp is directly accessed thru Netscape by typing it displays correctly. The same goes with other pages like vendor.asp, firm.asp etc. So the problem is with the starting page, default.asp, the code for which is in my post. In IE, default.asp works fine. Does this have anything to do with the code?

ur code was too complex, so i thought i could debug it as it is run in IE.
on the face i dont see any errors...

Known is handfull, Unknown is worldfull
I'd tried renaming sector.asp to sector.old. Then after the default.asp page displayed in Netscape, I clicked on Sectors button, expecting some error message, but none came up and the page remained the same, looking as pretty as before. I wonder if this was the same case with you. I was thinking "Is it because of that Language=VBScript thing at the top?", but then, VBScript is supposed to execute on the server before rendering the page in Netscape. I've even checked the page source in Netscape and it seems pretty much HTML to me. This is really bugging me now.

stupid me, should have noticed before, in netscape u have to enclose all fields in a <form> tag. otherwise u may face problems, try that out...

Known is handfull, Unknown is worldfull
The problem is that window.navigate does not work in Netscape. But the real problem is that Netscape does not work with VBscript. You can only use VBscript in explorer...

One quick correction, window.navigate does work in Netscape but only while using JavaScript...

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