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Busy and SAC 7

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Technical User
Aug 12, 2003
Hello dear fellows,
I have the following scenario.
A standard IP phone with 3 call-appearances, a SAC button without extension;
First call arrives and hit the first line appearance.
A second call hit the phone and the customer want the call to ring and depending who is calling or if he is interested on pick up the second call or press a button and provide busy tone.
For me doesn’t make much of sense, since the reason to have multiple call appearances is to being able to answer all calls.
I proposed them to remove the second line, so they will have a telephone with one line and the last appearance for transfer, not accepted.
So one condition is not to remove the second line.
I setup a coverage path to a vdn and a vector with only one line “busy”, so while ringing on the phone they have the time to pick up the call. Wasn’t what they were looking for, since the call remains ringing on the phone 3, 4 or 5 times, they want to been able to send the call with out waiting for the 3 or 4 rings.
I was thinking on the SAC feature, but seems that you cannot activate while is an active call on the phone.
Any one went through that scenario? Any idea will be welcome since I don´t know how to do it and follow the customer requirements.

Thanks in advance

Hello and thanks for the interest.
Well I think a few hundred.
One or two, I might have an idea, but a few hundred, no clue.

And to be honest this makes no sense to me. I would recommend going back to them and asking a few more questions.

User don’t always know what they really want, or what the really need!
Thanks again.
Well, I offer a quite few different scenarios for them, but they come back to me saying that they want to make it work as the mobile, you can see who is calling you, if you don´t like to answer, you just press the "red" phone and the other person receive busy tone (well at least it works in that way in Europe, if you don´t setup your voice mail.

I share your opinion, but that is what they wanted.

if you press the sac button during an incomming call, the call is redirected to the cov.path.
MeneerB, thanks for your answer.
That´s the way I remember it works in the old definity systems.
Now I have one of this S87xx servers and ACM 5, but for some reasons, the send-calls ext:xxxxx doesn´t work as I expected. I can not press it when I have an active call in the first line appearance.
Can you please confirm that with and active call on the first call-appearance, when the second call is ringing on the second call appearance allows you to press the send-call ext:xxxxx key?


It should work when you press SAC, if the coverage path has been setup with:

Station/Group Status Inside Call Outside Call
DND/SAC/Goto Cover? y y

If it's not, it won't continue to the coverage path.

When the call goes to coverage, a simulated bridged appearance may stay on the station (so it LOOKS like the call didn't go anywhere, but it really did). You can control that by typing the command:
change system-parameters coverage-forwarding

Look for:
Keep Held SBA at Coverage Point? y

Change that to n(o) and the call will not stay at the principal station, but go directly to the coverage path when someone presses SAC.

As for sending busy signals, that's just goofy. A caller would hear the phone begin to ring, and then hear a busy signal. (Very rude.) If you can't take the call, send it to a coverage path, and let another co-worker, or voicemail answer it for you.

Carpe dialem! (Seize the line!)
As for sending busy signals, that's just goofy. A caller would hear the phone begin to ring, and then hear a busy signal. (Very rude.) If you can't take the call, send it to a coverage path, and let another co-worker, or voicemail answer it for you."

Couldn't agree more. What's the point of VM and cover paths otherwise?
However, I do sometimes think that system designers think that as we humans have 2 ears we can have 2 calls at once. [bigears] , trouble is I have only ever met people with one mouth! [tongue]

Speak softly and carry a big switch
Hello there,

Thanks for all the answer.
For all of you is easy to say tht is goofy or why you have the VM or coverage paths; think on me, I need to face the customer and agree with something that I think is not correct.

Regarding the coverage path setup, as far as I know is correct, and the Keep Held SBA at Coverage Point? y is in that way, in any case, I will check again and make some tests.

I am quite sure than the customer will not agree with the solution, the reason....who knows

User, can't live with them, and you don't work with out them.
Sorry Nurofen,
You are quite right, and I shouldn't criticise.
Sometimes we as system engineers do need to mould user expectations. This may not help you, and I do understand the difficulties and maybe you should have a project manager running customer interface for you.
We have all been here, it is not nice.
Try having a customer who really needs a Dealer Board system and then tries to do it on the cheap with a PBX, and then fires people who cannot make a PBX work like a Dealer Board.

Education and expectation and the keywords.

Speak softly and carry a big switch
I need to face the customer and agree with something that I think is not correct."

No, you don't. They are paying you to provide a service for them. You can either give them what they are asking for, while at the same time letting them know that it is not a good solution, or you can tell them that there is a different way to do things, and give them the better solution.

Sometimes customers want things a certain way only because that is what they are used to and they are not aware of other options. It's your job to provide them with options.

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
Then, when you criticize them, you are a mile away ...
and you have their shoes.”
hello again,

Nick44, I forget the smiley face after my phrase, so don´t worry.
To SF0751, you are correct, they are paying for a service and for sure I should provide them what they are looking for, that´s the main reason for me to ask here once all the ideas I already pass to them were not of their like.
They are more things behinde the rejection of the ideas, even so, I try to provide them what they ask for, belive me, I am complete devoted to them, even when I try to explain what they wanted is not the best option (after being working 15 years in the sector) and knowing that the solution they are asking for was not in use in their old system.
In any case, no more ideas?

If you set the cover path to an invalid destination, then using send calls will return a busy tone.
Crude but effective.

When you are discussing this with them, ask them how they would feel if when they called someone, they got ring tone for a few bursts, then busy?

They would probably say (as I would) "these people have a fault on their telephone system, I wonder why their engineers cannot fix it?" "I must ask then who they use, so I don't use the same company"

Speak softly and carry a big switch

"these people have a fault on their telephone system, I wonder why their engineers cannot fix it?"

I cannot stop laughing.
This is what is going to happen, in fact, today an old colleague told me something similar, he went to one of the customer office and almost everybody was complaining about the phone system, the reason, another of this “proposed by the customer” feature.

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