We are running BO 5.0.1 with a Informix Version 7.31 DB and have had problems with the reports produced. The kind of problems mainly surround inaccurate data being reported back. We generally run queries against the database and use this to check the reports that BO is producing and have found the reports to be wildly inaccurate in some cases. The system has been tweaked by Vendor in order for us to produce our main reports. However this means that we can't really do adhoc reporting as this would yield the same inaccuracies so we are stuck with a system that only gives us 12 or so standard reports. I have heard of others that have had similar problems where there has been a legacy DB, but no-one seems to know why this happens. Anyone know of any known problems with the creation of the DataWarehouse and legacy database systems, which could cause such anomolies?