HI prgramer
when i run a loop to call subroutine . it stop execution and came out :bus error 10 .
do 96 i=1,row
do 97 j=1,conlum
if(i.eq.datarow(i).AND.(j.eq.dataconlum(j))) then
write(modela,200) depth,prossio
write(ofil,200) depth,prossio
200 format(f4.1''f5.3)
call calrespknt (modela,ipors,dt,t,pr,complt,modcnv)
97 continue
96 continue
the subroutine calrespknt have lots of common block .
it seems data can't be reset before every cycle begin .right ?
Is there any advice about this ?
when i run a loop to call subroutine . it stop execution and came out :bus error 10 .
do 96 i=1,row
do 97 j=1,conlum
if(i.eq.datarow(i).AND.(j.eq.dataconlum(j))) then
write(modela,200) depth,prossio
write(ofil,200) depth,prossio
200 format(f4.1''f5.3)
call calrespknt (modela,ipors,dt,t,pr,complt,modcnv)
97 continue
96 continue
the subroutine calrespknt have lots of common block .
it seems data can't be reset before every cycle begin .right ?
Is there any advice about this ?