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Building a Language Translator with Macromedia MX

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Technical User
Dec 10, 2002
Ok I am wanting to make a Language translator that will translate between English and Elvish. I have all the translations I need and I have Macromedia Flash MX. I want to be able to type in something in either english or elvish and the translator give back the proper translation. The grammer syntax is the same in both languages. For example if I said "You smell like a Human" in English it would give back the translation "Lle holma ve’ edan" where Lle=You, holma=smell, ve'=like, edan=a human. How can I make it where when something is typed in the translator it would search the database for a string match and return all records? and how would this database need to be set up? (ie: elvish=english, elvish:english or how?)
This would require an extremely sophisticated level of AI if 'Elvish' has any conjugations at all. Otherwise set up a table with the english word in one field and the elvish in another (same row). Get DW MX, and study up on dynamic data. You'll need to break the sting into single words, pull their equivalents, then reassemble the string. Peace
I have DW MX already, and there are no conjugations at all. When stting up the table, would I just use notepad or wordpad or would I have to use something like NuSOAP? And give an example of what you mean by break the string into single words, pull their equivalents, then reassemble the string. I can set up the translator, its where to put the code in MX is where I am having the problem.
I am trying to build a language translator that will translate between Elvish and English and vice versa. I have went though the tutorial for the translator located at and it has helped greatly, my question is how would I use my own database instead of the bablefish one used with the tutorial? And would I need to set it (my database) up in a txt file such as english:elvish, english = elvish or would I still have to use PHP or NuSOAP for this?
I have a program that allows you to set-up a DB for a language, and after it is in place, you type in one box and hit "translate". The new language is displayed. I use this for several RPGs. The only draw back is that it is limited to about 2000 words, and it doesn't run in a website. Users have to download and install it to use it.

It's still cool though, as you can type what you want, get the translation you need, then cut & paste to where you need the translation.

It is a "literal" translator, where if you type in "frav" to mean "sword", it will do that. But if the user types in "Frav", the program won't translate it unless you also have "Frav" in the DB to equal "sword".

If you'd like it, I'll leave my email, ensure you remove the obvious. adminSPAM@gathis.com
Wow, thanks, thought I would like to see this translator you have MadMango, I still want to do this one I am working on. Please do send it, I may be able to look it over from the inside and get the answers I need from it if that is ok. And maybe I could make it run on a web site. I'm rather good at altering things to work how I want but sorta get stuck when I have to start at the very beginning myself. Thats why I am so insitant on doing this. Even had offers to have it done for me but I can be stubborn at times heehee. That which we are we are, made weak by time and fate, but strong in mind to try, to seek, to find, but not to yield.
What Bluetone was suggesting is basically this.

Single table with 2 columns, obviously 1 for English and 1 for the Elvish translation of each word.

Page 1 search form:

A form with radio buttons for English -> Elevish or Elvish -> English, Text field for the translation, submit button.

Page 2 Perform the translation.

An asp page that firsts sets the column to search depending on the radio button option selected, then breaks the Text field down into individual words. Then loops through executing an SQL statement for each word. Just before the loop begins again add the translated word to a new text string and display it after all the loop has finished.

Cheech [Peace][Pipe]
The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.
Groucho Marx (1895-1977)
Its going great, had messed up a few times entering in my language and started over until I realized I could go in to the actual file it created and fix my typos. Its going to work for now but I am still doing it in JavaScript as well so I can have the translator on a web site so others can use it without me havng to send them the translation file with your translator. Honestly working with yours has helped me figure out my ID10T error with my javascript code. Go figure, I make the simplest things to be so hard. Thanks again [tele-hugs to you MadMango) BTW loved your web site. That which we are we are, made weak by time and fate, but strong in mind to try, to seek, to find, but not to yield.
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