Trying to build an SQL. . .
Eample of thisDateTime. . .12:03:02AM . . .want to select records of the "same" table that are >=12:03:02AM - 5 minutes or =<12:03:02AM - 5 minutes
Public vthisDateTime
vThisDateTime =12:03:02AM
Select Main.Thisdatetime, Main.Diff
innerjoin Contact1!Main Main_A
on Main.ThisDateTime between ((Main.ThisdateTime)-
(minute(MainThisDateTime-5) and (minute(MainThisDateTime+5))
into Cursor CursorVtime
Can you help me with this SQL, have datetimes (over 20k) in a table and trying see if I can pull records that are 5minutes => than or 5minutes =< vThisDateTime? have tried
Julian(),hour(),minute() and second(). . .and can't seem to get into a Cursor
Eample of thisDateTime. . .12:03:02AM . . .want to select records of the "same" table that are >=12:03:02AM - 5 minutes or =<12:03:02AM - 5 minutes
Public vthisDateTime
vThisDateTime =12:03:02AM
Select Main.Thisdatetime, Main.Diff
innerjoin Contact1!Main Main_A
on Main.ThisDateTime between ((Main.ThisdateTime)-
(minute(MainThisDateTime-5) and (minute(MainThisDateTime+5))
into Cursor CursorVtime
Can you help me with this SQL, have datetimes (over 20k) in a table and trying see if I can pull records that are 5minutes => than or 5minutes =< vThisDateTime? have tried
Julian(),hour(),minute() and second(). . .and can't seem to get into a Cursor