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Mar 21, 2005
Okay so I have this breadcrumb for VB Script. When the user hits back it will take them to the previous crumb id. What Im trying to do is when they hit that back button it takes out the last crumb/id out of it completely so when they go forward again to a different area the previous spot is no longer there. Any help would be great thanks. Here is my code.

'Function for creation of breadcumb trails
Public Function BuildCrumb(Title)
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
Dim Separator
Separator = " | "
Dim GetPage
GetPage = Split(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO"), "/")
Dim PageLink

For Each var In Request.Querystring
PageLink = "<a href=" & GetPage(Ubound(GetPage)) & "?" & var & "=" & Request.Querystring(var)
Set var = Nothing

If PageLink = "" then
PageLink = "<a href=" & GetPage(Ubound(GetPage)) & " class=crumb>" & Title & "</a>"
PageLink = PageLink & " class=crumb>" & Title & "</a>"
End If

If Request.Cookies("Crumb") <> "" Then
Dim GetCurrentPageTitle
GetCurrentPageTitle = Split(Request.Cookies("Crumb"), " | ")
If InStr(Request.Cookies("Crumb"), PageLink) = 0 then
Response.Cookies("Crumb") = Request.Cookies("Crumb") & Separator & PageLink
For i = 0 To UBound(GetCurrentPageTitle)
If PageLink <> Trim(GetCurrentPageTitle(i)) Then
Crumb = Crumb & Trim(GetCurrentPageTitle(i)) & Separator
i = UBound(GetCurrentPageTitle)
End If
Response.Cookies("Crumb") = ""
Response.Cookies("Crumb") = Crumb & PageLink
Set Crumb = Nothing
Set i = Nothing
End If
Response.Cookies("Crumb") = "<a href=MDCLibrary.asp class=crumb>MDC Library Home</a>" & Separator & PageLink
End If
Response.Cookies("Crumb").Expires = Dateadd("d", 1, Date)
Set GetCurrentPageTitle = Nothing
Set PageLink = Nothing
Set GetPage = Nothing
Set Separator = Nothing
End Function

'Reset the breacrumb trail to start another
Public Function RestartCrumb()
Response.Cookies("Crumb") = ""
End Function

I didn't really study the code but I noticed this one thing right off...

It looks like the value of PageLink will be overwritten each time through your For Next loop so it will end up with only the value from the last time through the loop.
Dim PageLink

For Each var In Request.Querystring
  PageLink = "<a href=" & GetPage(Ubound(GetPage)) & "?" & var & "=" & Request.Querystring(var)
Set var = Nothing

Yeah I know that its just when you hit back it will erase it from the text until you hit another value then it will reappear. Ive been trying to get it so when you click back it will erase it from the the For Next Loop.
After some testing I have figured out that when I do a refresh it clears the previous value out. I just have to figure out how to do a refresh or clear out my cache everytime I click the back buttton.
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